Pirates (and cabinet ministers) Paula Bennett (left) and Judith Collins (right).

Pirates – and cabinet ministers – Paula Bennett (left) and Judith Collins (right). click to enlarge

Possibly they were celebrating the fact that it wasn’t either of them who was involved in an excruciating 16 minute interview on Morning Report trying to sell a bill of goods to Kim Hill like Anne Tolley was this morning. Oh dear me.

Click to listen at Radio NZ

Click to listen at Radio NZ

Plumbing ridiculous depths, Mrs Tolley – the Minister for Social Development – dismissing Judge Henwood’s recommendation for an independent inquiry said (towards the end): “In some cases they [State care abuse victims] have had an apology from me, and I was only a child at the time...”


– P

Update: Here’s a 2′ 10″ clip with that bit I referred to:

MP3 file

But I recommend you listen to the whole excruciating thing at Radio NZ using the link above.