From Techdirt
People Will Pay To Support Creators, Even When Free Is An Option
… The thing we noticed right away was that a lot of people were choosing to pay, even though you can download all the books for free. Almost half of all book downloads were paid, with most people choosing the default $5 per book—even when buying four or five books at once—and several going above and beyond, with a few even paying $20 for a single title.
Got any theories?
– P
Firstly I would like to see how this ‘trial’ was conducted. And the numbers involved? This smells of creative Marketing.
I tried to understand their model its all PR Mumbo Jumbo about as clear as TechDirt.
My theory is the consumer was not aware. all of the options and also that the Free copies were not breaking any Copyright Laws.
Are you making a collect call from nzconservative?
A bit like an honesty box at a frontgate vege stall really. That sort of thing is enough to restore your faith in human nature.
And you heard that pearl of wisdom from me first …