Gee I like Andrew Sullivan. I like his human qualities and his intelligence and passion.

Any regular reader of his website The Daily Dish (as I am) can see why his blog format/approach is so copied by others far less imaginative. He works hard to snippet news ‘in real time’, but his value in his analysis, his honesty and the intensity of some of his writing. He only occasionally slides into name-calling and abuse, but does. I’m OK with it.

Unlike some of his local imitators, Sullivan adds a lot of value and cultivates dissent, rather than merely plotting a regular descent into personal attacks on a tired cast of characters and stereotypes. Bravo.

I detect some wishful thinking in his post-election night interview with Stephen Colbert (below the fold). Specifically, re the GOP ‘sealed bubble’ being burst on issues like climate change etc, but he makes some good points. I think it’s impossible to overstate the truculence of ‘people of faith’ some of whom use their religious beliefs to justify anti-science-ism and seek to deny social reform.

His main point is that Romney lost because ‘he lost the moderates’. Yeah, I can see what he means. Still, pretty tight, huh?

Sullivan’s open delight in Obama’s win, and admission to schadenfreude in observing Fox News’s anguished spin/hype-meeting-reality is a pleasure to watch. Stephen Colbert is, as usual, wonderful.

The Behghazi impeachment fantasy, is the sourest of grapes, yet I predict there will be a push from the Republicans to attempt de-nigger-ate the President and his mandate. Sore losers grappling with reality.

Oh, and ugly scapegoating within the GOP. Fersure.

– P