By chance, I caught a few minutes of The Nutter’s Club on Radio LIVE last night. Normally hosted by comedian Mike King, blogger Cameron Slater took the chair. The interaction I heard — a discussion with a talkback caller worried about the side effects of her prescription drugs, and concerned that her doctors weren’t listening to her – was, I thought, well-handled.

Cameron shared his own direct experience of being ‘on’ one of the drugs his caller named and described the reckless, devoid-of-empathy, ‘can’t-feel-anything’ state it put him in. He related how in that state he arranged to have a tattoo on his shoulder ‘to feel something’ (it hurt, he said) and said it is a permanent reminder of that dark time.

I had other plans, so tuned out at the ad break, but credit where it’s due: I thought Cameron did that well, and gave her sensible, worthwhile advice.

Good on him.

– P