Watch this. It’s brilliant. From Ellen DeGeneres, facing a boycott threat against JC Penney from people offended she’s gay …
“I usually don’t talk about stuff like this on my show, but I really want to thank everyone who is supporting me. … Here are the values I stand for: I stand for honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you’d want to be treated and helping those in need. To me, those are traditional values. That’s what I stand for.”
Watch the video below (requires Flash).
Way to go!
– P
Nice PR move by JC Penney they have done nothing here except Support Ellen. Also known as advertising. Every message claimed to be from Facebook (probably typed up by the Producer 10 mins before going to Air) Go Ellen and I am now going to shop at JC Penney. What why? because someone on Facebook dissed Ellen.
Sorry Peter you have fallen for this hook line and sinker.
Yeah, gullible. That’s me. 🙂
I like Ellen – she’s intelligent and very funny. What worries me, even more than anyone disagreeing with Ellen being redefined as “haters”, is that all those cheering her on are actually encouraging our governments to redefine marriage.
Hi Graeme, thanks for your comment. Two things:
(1) aren’t ‘the haters’ doing more than just disagreeing with Ellen? It seemed to me they were trying to harass JC Penney — threatening boycotts etc — into dropping her as an advertising spokesperson. It seemed to me they were trying to say she’s unworthy to be an advertising spokesperson because she’s gay? Isn’t that a kind of victimization? And unworthy? I think so.
(2) ‘encouraging our governments to redefine marriage’ — Well, I guess we may disagree about the source of laws. I expect you’ll have a view (but please don’t let put words in your mouth) that God has written his law on men’s hearts, or some such. Another view of government is that social pressure should rightly see ‘faulty’ laws *redefined* … abolition of slavery, votes for women, child labour laws, anti-discrimination, … isn’t that progress? (A dangerous term, I grant you!)
It seems to me the process of argy-bargy, to-and-fro the US Supreme Court and California state legislation has been/is going through re ‘gay rights’ will reach a point of government for by and of the people.
Always happy to talk things like this over with you my friend.
– P
Re 1. Fair enough. I can see that I actually don’t like the pigeon-holing of anyone as “haters” – most “wrong” people I’ve met have been loving and sincere. Is Ellen’s labelling these “40,000 moms” as “haters” as tolerant as she claims to be?
Also, it’s not a level-playing field. Ellen is, like Oprah, always going to have millions of followers, prime-time international exposure and the beautiful and famous lining up to be on her show.
Re 2. I agree every governments’ work is to combat injustice and that this expectation is written on everyone’s heart. However, sexual behaviour always has a moral component and therefore needs more loving and respectful dialogue than name-calling by anyone.
Lastly, I have no problem with gay people committing themselves to long-term relationships. By every measure, loyalty is way better than promiscuity. What I object to is the redefining of marriage and the unintended consequences to children of their not having a mother and a father.
Hi Graeme,
As I see it, Ellen’s not labeling all the 40,000 moms as haters, just the ones who posted hateful comments — and thereby earn the accolade, don’t they?
re the level playing field, consider the (by all reports effective) campaign aimed at advertisers who sponsored Glenn Beck’s Fox News (cough) show. Ellen’s glamour etc … it makes her a target, doesn’t it?
This, from Peter McWilliams’ book Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do …
… is a generalization, but makes a point, in my view.
Redefining ‘normalcy’ is part of our journey, isn’t it?
Black African slaves built the White House, and that was defined as a ‘normal’ social state of affairs at the time. Now an African-American president resides there.
Normalcy changed.
I’m in favour of same sex civil unions. Hatred of homosexuals is up there with racist bigotry in my list of moral crimes. Yeah, I *do* judge. (But I’m not saying you’re a hater Graeme.)
The price of ‘outlawing’ committed loving, spousal-type relationships is obscene oppressive situations where one in a gay couple is hurt in a road accident and the other isn’t deemed a ‘relative’ in terms of getting medical information, or regarded as ‘next of kin’ in the way my wife and I are.
Gay-bashing (it was called queer-bashing when I was a schoolboy) is a crime, or should be. That’s how I see the campaign to purge Ellen DeGeneres from TV.
– P