Look at this attack ad aimed at US Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney (below the fold) with NO mention of who its producers and publishers actually support. It’s just a smear of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (vomit) ilk.
We don’t have a lot of this type of political advertising in NZ … do we? Dancing Cossacks aside, when was the last party political broadcast that demonized ‘the other side’ in such a histrionic, mini-horror-movie way?
It’s a trailer for a longer ‘documentary’ (28 mins):
It’s how the US do politics, real politics not like the wusses here when the Blogisphere stops and puts their hands in air in disbelief when the PM won’t disclose what was said in a private conversation, oh the horror. Or when a minister spends $200 at dinner, at Tax payers expense. Oh the humanity
However I loathe when the publisher/investor in these smear campaigns are not transparent. its cowardly. I would put money on it being funded directly or indirectly by opposing politician(s). Paid for by US tax money. But by the way Romney is a piece of work.
Here’s NZ politics wrapped up by a friend of ours.
Nice. Thanks for the The Daily Show clip:
As for the anti Mitt Romney ads, the group ‘Winning our future’ (bleurgh) is out as a group of Newt Gingrich supporters/ex staff… riiiight
Craig see this:
POLITICO’s Ginger Gibson reports:
Newt Gingrich called on the super PAC supporting his candidacy to remove any inaccuracies from the film they purchased which documents Mitt Romney’s time as CEO of Bain Capital.
“I’m calling on them to edit out every single mistake or to pull the entire film,” he said, adding that he cannot coordinate with the PAC but can make public statements. “I’ve said all along that these super PACs ought to have some sense of responsibility.”
Speaking to supporters at a headquarter opening in Orlando, he used his call to remove the inaccuracies to criticize Romney for not doing the same.
“Somebody who wants to be president ought to have the courage to stand up for the truth,” Gingrich said.
But not THE ADS?
FT article that I found interesting on the US election:
“We seem to be living in an age of disenchantment with democracy,” says Mr Jacobs. “Trust in the system has almost entirely vanished””
Thanks. That’s a very good article from FT.
I agree Romney is copping leftist/anti-capitalist -style attacks from his own party:
Also, striking that white folk will be a minority in the USA by 2040 — and the grey vs brown character of politics.
Love the Hanna quote:
I was surprised that it was Republicans responsible and not Democrats. The documentary style is so like Mike Moore’s “Roger & Me” regarding his home-town, Flint, Michigan.
Thanks Graeme. Yes I agree. It’s dramatic how the gloves are coming off. Gingrich (and his supporters) seem to be acting like no amount of harm against other Republican contenders is too much … well, I guess there could be more they’re holding back.
It’s amazing how trenchant it gets. -P