I spoke to Adam Feeley, the head of the Serious Fraud Office yesterday about the conspiracy charges the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption had just laid against the unsuccessful Crafar farm bidders, particularly May Wang,

He told me the charges resulted from 16 months of work by a dedicated SFO team, co-operating with the ICAC, gathering evidence here in NZ about [alleged] criminal activities targeting Hong Kong Chinese investors.

That team obviously worked to make the charges ‘stick’. (In journalism we talk about making the story ‘stand up’.) It can be touch and go, just to get to the point of having enough evidence of intent and actions to make a case. (Innocent until proven guilty, sure. But there seemed to be something fishy about that whole Natural Dairy (New Zealand) Holdings Ltd business.)

It made me think of the storm surrounding Feeley about a $70 bottle of plonk which may or may not have belonged to Bridgecorp.

What actually matters?

– P