Spotted this refund development on Facebook today …
… that seems like a reasonable offer from the promoter to me. I would assume they split the ‘proceeds’?
Success Resources were also promoting the Stenning performing troupe in Malaysia, I believe. Any word from there? Thoughts?
Well, well..Shaun announced via emails to us before this, that he will pay 100% from his own pocket and accused Success Resources and Ian Naylor for being the party which refused to refund clients..
SR seems to be able to provide refund within 14 days and without the need for clients to pay for stamp duty, send original agreement etc to his mum’s home in Australia..
Seems like this liar lies till today
His own pocket? Did he say that? That’s not how I read the ‘refund’ documents that Shaun Stenning offered clients.
As for ‘this liar lies’, well, that’s your opinion, I guess,
Personally, I found his statement about high percentages of clients happy with his convoluted refund process very dubious.
(Wasn’t it 100% of NZ and Australians?) Hmmm. – Peter
Check this out…
Yes I saw that rather self-serving spin when it came out.
I’m not convinced it’s actually true.
Clearly, if David Chong’s Facebook post is correct (and I’m led to believe it is) then Shaun Stenning’s statement which you quoted…
“Success Resources has a strict no refund policy”
…is, at the very least, out of date.
Ian Naylor has, I believe, publicly challenged claims about him receiving proceeds.
I have been in contact this week with a person who has received a refund from SR on another product.
So saying they have a “strict no refund policy” is just not true.
[Comment: So it would appear. What’s your involvement/interest in this, PeterTach? – Peter]
I listened to Shaun Stenning’s “talk” some time back
The sad part is that many were taken in – even when i warned then
It all started good – talk of “Its Your Real Estate” the beauty being that you could work the domain and sell the domain ( and the real estate) which was yours separately
It looked as a good automated program to set up and sell a lot domains
A lot of the tools – looked similar in setup and arrangement to good SEO and keyword tools that while i owned – it could be said that these were specialized for the pupose
However on first examination (Mr. Stenning had a good story of losing his virginity ( as I recall to a big burly US customs agent)
Big laugh
And don’t even fly to the US from Thailand as they might id you as a illicit drug seller
However – it may be that they smelt a rat and when they checked on the internet found very little relating to this wonder child
I have more for pseudonyms i created yesterday that he has in links to his name and his sites
What concerned me as I went on further – you must understand most people never get around to doing anything is to read and check further before the trial period ran out
This was not a domain selling program . It was a creation for adsense sites
All told you have to do a tremendous amount of work to get any payback from Adsense currently
Don’t count on quitting your day job as they say
Well not at least yet
There was no provision what so ever for selling domains
The buyer paid for the domain cost purchases and in the small print – it read that Mr. Stenning and his company still owned the domain rights
It took some time and effort to get my deposit back
Luckily I had paid via a US JV affiliate partner so they were on the hook for the money ( the US partner)
As I recall it took some persistence by myself
I was somehow on the mailing list – and could see the training was Blogging 101 – how to set up a wordpress blog , do simple tasks
All told a person who is self motivated should be able to learn this by breakfast watching YouTube videos or purchasing a $ 10 course on eBay ( at the worst)
I began to realize that Mr. Stenning was a person who preyed on unsuspecting people in the far east – who now had factory jobs , had a bit of income, had bought the get ahead realize your potential etc etc dream , now had access to computer tools and their powers of marketing and communication and would sell their kids for the opportunity to be part of this big money – or at least quit their factory jobs group.
What most of us consider basic known knowledge and concepts – Napoleon Hill et al was a new revelation to these people
It can be said that at the worst Networking Marketing like Amway takes people’s time and some money – but in the end they are left with some basic sales training and perhaps a room full of paraphernalia
What bothered me though was the admiration that people i had trust in and great recognition of both had the greatest admiration of the crowds that Mr. Stenning ( allegedly
drew) in Asia and the money he was apparently making
A predator none the less of naive people
Time will tell as they say
These people ( like Mr. Stenning) seem to have few morals , are self centered showmen
and seem to pop up again and again
Whether it is that no lesson was learned , they considered that are smarter than everyone else or are just greedy and / or evil who know
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Welcome. It’s very interesting to read your perceptions and experience.
Is this silver-tongued salesman a “predator”? Well, I can see how you might reach that conclusion.
In the end, it remains to be seen if he is judged that way.
What we need to know from this painful episode is that…nothing comes as easy it seemed. Many spruikers like Mr Stenning took advantage of our own weakness in wanting something fast and easy and automated.
Lesson learnt – never trust a person based on his on-stage persona.
Now ….after all his promises and staged performances, where is the news on Dollar Rose investment, WOW project, Master Mind education?
All, ex Indonesian Twalker Announce A War Against Shaun ‘Coward’ Stenning”.
We already agree on settlement, and then Shaun gone with the wind. Real Coward !!!
Let’s write our demands on
Does anyone know how to get a refund from the Malaysian side? We were promised the same thing. No one seems to know anything.