I said this about Winston Peters in A voice in the wilderness? Or reclaiming the Grey Power mantle? in April:
This man has come back from the dead before. (Just sayin’.)
Don’t underestimate his political instincts and populism.

Winston Peters. The closest thing we have to a natural politician. Loathed by many in the National Party and by others who seem to think some votes shouldn't count.
Since then, Peters has continued to cause a ‘disturbance in the Force’ and ruffled a few feathers among some in the political intelligentsia who thought (wished?) Peters was finished.
To the horror of all sorts of people, Peters is once again being talked about as a ‘kingmaker’.
Personally, I see that label as almost an anti-MMP attack line. We discussed that campaign’s fixated, Don Quixote-esque flexi-bendy-elasti treatment of truth and democratic fact (i.e. in my view winning 13% of the vote earns you some clout) earlier.
We’ll see.
I stand by this comment from 2009:
“… I was alerting readers that Peters — who I still regard as arguably the most naturally talented politician of his generation — was a complex operator, and a man of many shades. Someone to watch.”
Yeah. That hasn’t changed either.
– P
He always talks a big game.
NZF may get 2-4% he will claim it as a moral victory but that’s basically his family and party member’s family’s and all the Tauranga residents with Alzheimer and dementia votes. 🙂
The way the anti-MMP lobby are promoting the Winston Peters ‘brand’ — a new (largely ignored) demonizing media statement every day since the 31st of October and, today, spending their sponsor’s money on billboards…
… who knows?
Electoral success is, in my view, closely related to name recognition.
Peters has skills.
– P
To me – this man still makes good sense. I think the day we write off the historical knowledge and the benefit that brings, of such politicians – is the day we end up with anti mmp spotty faced overpaid lawyers calling the shots in Wellington.
Peters is a force of nature – and only fools take him lightly or ignore him to their peril
“Force of nature” is right.
The visceral loathing and angry contempt some Nats I know hold Peters in is breathtaking. It makes me look at them through narrowed eyes.
Why such venom?
I’ve spoken to/interviewed Peters on three separate occasions in the last few days most recently on the morning NZ First announced he wouldn’t contest a seat. He’s still got it.
He’s never been a strong organisation man, that’s a weakness for sure — but in terms of targeted charisma, and “X-factor”, Peters puts the other party leaders into the shade.
And the spotty lawyer’s hypnotic fixation is intriguing to behold. Like a mouse drawn towards a cobra?
– P
Hi, friends ! I am somewhat puzzled by the NZ1st slogan “We win, you win.” Please tell me; which one is the booby prize ?
[…] heard comeback kid Winston Peters complaining today that his ‘clear as daylight’ Kelston speech […]