I love the irony of this. Here’s what caliginous National Party ‘campaign strategist’ Simon Lusk says on his (oh look, suddenly not password protected for now*) website about keeping a low media profile — trying to channel Bob Jones in the last sentence, methinks:
Simon does not comment to the media because he believes the candidates or spokespeople should deal with the media. A campaign manager in the media does not win votes.
Media attempting to contact Simon will be met with the same response – silence. Journalists should not take this personally; it is a deliberate policy that Simon has no intention of changing, especially since the media have an unfortunate habit of interrupting fishing or shooting.

All part of the campaign? Simon Lusk makes a splash. (click to read Andrea Vance’s article at stuff.co.nz)
Almost a year ago, leaked National Party board minutes were reported by TV3 wherein Simon Lusk was described as someone motivated by ‘a very negative agenda for the Party’ ‘that poses a serious risk to the Party‘. See The Simon Lusk stigma?
National Leader John Key recently repeated his description of Simon Lusk as ‘a minus one’ …
“I think I once described [Lusk] on a scale of 1 to 10, as minus-1,” Key said today. “I stand by that view.”
… which really only goes to show Simon Lusk is not on John Key’s team. (So whose, then?)
But then, here’s today’s interesting 1,800 word profile by the resourceful and persuasive Andrea Vance, who it seems he (gasp) talked to…
Seriously happy to upset the status quo
Bagman or bogeyman? Simon Lusk is a shadowy figure in the National Party, credited with getting several MPs elected – yet publicly discredited as irrelevant by John Key. Andrea Vance reports.Simon Lusk is one of the most intriguing figures in politics. The arch political fixer shuns the limelight, rarely venturing from his home in Havelock North to Wellington. He maintains a strict silence about his clients – mostly wannabe National MPs.
He is said to charge $10,000 to manage an electorate election campaign, and his successes are believed to include National’s senior whip Louise Upston, and MPs Chris Tremain, Nicky Wagner and Sam Lotu-Iiga. …
Worth a read [here]. According to Andrea Vance’s article, disgraced National (now ex-)backbencher Aaron Gilmore “…believe[d] Mr Lusk was the architect of his downfall – he was a recipient of one of the infamous “utu” text messages.”
For me, this was the best quote: “Many on the Left lack grace and I find it hard to deal with people who lack grace.” Says Simon Lusk.
– P
* 18 months out from an election, perhaps he’s doing some self-promotion. How it used to be:

“PROTECTED: This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments.” (Perhaps that’s just in the off-season?)
Other posts that may be of interest:
- So, who is Simon Lusk?
- Simon Lusk in the headlines again!
- Claims of ‘Integrity’ in the anti-MMP Campaign accompanied by smear tactics
I’m still chuckling that Mr ‘My lips are sealed’ Lusk is being spotlighted like this (left). As he says on his website (when you can see it):
Media should refer to the media page, and understand why Simon does not talk to the media.
(A few more thoughts in comments, below.)
It’s a fine line between good humour and being a dickhead. This request (below) makes me think he crossed it.

Actually, while it’s not locked behind a password, Simon Lusk’s ‘Please hire me as your campaign manager! I can help you get selected as a National candidate! Lose weight now! Ask me how!’ website is an entertaining read for all sorts of reasons.
Not least for his use of the third person (“Simon maintains client confidentiality, and does not discuss clients publicly, or discuss specific campaigns. He does acknowledge those campaigns that he is on the public record as having been involved in.”)
Then there’s the near-schizophrenic dichotomy of trying to skite about what you do while simultaneously clinging to the flimsy membrane of a dark arts, ‘I operate in zee shadows. Listen carefully, I will say this only once’ legend.
Look how openly he lists sone of his clients:
and how indirectly he lists others:
… which personally strikes me as Simon trying to show off about his (and his acolyte/apprentice Jordan Williams‘) propensity to dissemble for money without actually claiming responsibility for the deceitful political assassination of Rodney Hide. (Remember the so-called polls that ‘indicated’ ACT support at 10% if Brash replaced Hide as leader? Did you ever see them? And how did that work out for ACT anyway?)
Well, to be fair, Jordan Williams did admit to being a mercenary in the Brash campaign:
Let me be clear: short of running foul of the Fair Trading Act or Advertising Standards Authority, Simon Lusk is perfectly entitled to promote himself as a campaign ‘wizard’ to credulous wannabe National candidates any way he likes. And observers like me are entitled to chuckle at him.
That Simon Lusk is seen by the current leadership of the National Party as negative, a threat and a liability is evident. That bizzo about the National Party screening people by any link to Lusk or his colleague/promoter (business partner?) Cameron Slater indicates he’s seen as ‘toxic’…
… and that’s got to be bad for business doesn’t it?
This latest charm offensive — talking to Andrea Vance (Political ‘fixer’ speaks out ), and being more accessible via his website, etc. may be a straightforward business response: strategic self-promotion to factional elements and National Party prospects in the run-up to next year’s General Election.
– P
If you’re interested in a glimpse into the trench warfare mindset of this faction of the National Party, I can recommend you read Cameron Slater on the subject: http://www.whaleoil.co.nz/2013/05/the-triumvirate-of-terror/
Wherein Cameron refers to the stigma attached to Simon Lusk and himself, and (naturally) pictures himself as ‘outwitting’ the present Party hierarchy …
And his well-worn ‘You pay other professionals, why not pay for a
spin doctorcommunications professional?’ sales pitch …‘However, there may be “too many bridges burned” with the current party hierarchy.’
Right. When they’re in their sixties these guys will be unstoppable.
– P
Also, one has to laugh, robustly, at Cameron Slater’s puerile partisan denigration of one of Andrea Vance’s sources as an “unnamed coward who snitched” while he runs a ‘tipline’ and publishes various poorly-sourced scuttlebutt, rumour and disinformation when it suits him. Hahaha.
The way the website describes Simon in the third person suggests that he himself has a spin doctor
[…] the subterranean right wing operative Simon Lusk dragged in to watery sunlight AGAIN so soon after recent publicity. See David Fisher’s reports in the NZ Herald: National turns on hard right advisor and Ports […]
[…] You may also be interested in reading Simon Lusk EXPOSED […]