Well, the mediagasm was right. He’s outta there … Too bad.

“Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s White House Chief of Staff, was given a dead Asian carp as a farewell gift from colleagues before the former presidential aide resigned in order to run for mayor in his home town Chicago.”
— Telegraph.co.uk

AFP/GETTY via Daily Telegraph

“The mantra in the West Wing is that no one who works for the president is irreplaceable. And yet that’s how they describe Emanuel, a whirling force of ideas and energy with expertise in foreign policy, political campaigns, communications and the legislative process. Obama’s aides talk of an unquestioned loss.”
Huffington Post

This, which we chuckled about in my post in April, is even more meaningful now…

But Daley said he hasn’t offered Emanuel any advice about a mayoral run. “I don’t give any advice, I don’t give people advice. I don’t advise people, I’m not an adviser.
