The Jekyll & Hyde-like transformation of Dean Letfus into Phil Jones continues.
Now, apparently, he’s sending half-baked threats of ‘legal action’ to people who point out his, um, inconsistencies …

Self-proclaimed property guru and 'Ethical Investing Strategist' Dean Letfus (right, in clown pyjamas and blue wig, with Facebook friend) says he's been DEFAMED!
Earlier this week I pointed to lawyer/investor/whistleblower David Whitburn’s blog in which he shared his concerns about the way US tax liens were being sold to naive NZ investors by a new company called “NZ Property Guru’s [sic]”.
As I see it, Whitburn’s blog post is a clearly written, well-supported and detailed explanation of his concerns about the sales methods and marketing materials these operators use to sell US tax liens. His comments are based on his personal observations and direct experience. He covers some of the background and inter-connected history of the spruikers involved: Dean Letfus, Phil Jones, Steve Goodey and (new boy in town) Shaun Stenning.
Whitburn also quotes Dean Letfus’s previous publicly-expressed disgust and criticisms of the US tax liens (“They are snake oil, complete with white shoes and wagons”, Letfus said, calling them “high risk”) and, like me, Whitburn wonders Dean? What on earth has changed? and issues this warning:
I personally take issue with a number of things in the presentation so feel I have to issue my own commercial alert as a result of NZ Property Gurus not telling the audience all that they need to know; namely: …
(Whitburn’s eleven points follow — read them all here)
Two poorly-drafted threatening letters (see below) arrived by email a few days later: one from Shaun Stenning, taking exception to Whitburn’s use of a recent Facebook photo (apparently one of a series showing Stenning on stage dressed in women’s underwear) and a statement which Stenning says shows him in ‘poor light’.
Stenning wrote:
Your use of my photograph and the defamatory and disparaging statement made by you in your Infringing Blog Post show me in poor light and amounts to libel in terms of Defamation Act of 1992. The statement made by you has not only hurt me emotionally but has also damaged my reputation in the [sic] business circles.
Another letter, purporting to be from Dean Letfus as ‘Owner’ of NZ Property Gurus Limited claims ‘copyright infringement’ and also objects to statements and use of a photo that ‘hurts emotionally’ etc.
This notice is in reference to the reproduction and use of the image as available [sic] at [NZ Property Gurus Limited] Company Website in your Blog post titled “Tax Liens & Deeds – A Trip Down Distraction Lane” dated March 25, 2010, located at URL (Hereafter “Infringing Blog Post”), use of leaflets of “MillionareMastery VIP Programme” and use of my photograph and the disparaging and defamatory content against me [sic] in the Infringing Blog Post, none of which is authorised by the [NZ Property Gurus Limited] Company or myself.
Your reproduction and use of the image as available at Company Website and the leaflets of “MillionareMastery VIP Programme” in the Infringing Blog Post, without the company’s express consent is a clear case of Infringement of [NZ Property Gurus Limited] Company’s Copyrights in violation of the national and international laws.
Your use of my photograph along with the statements made by you in your Infringing Blog Post do not state the correct factual position and show me and the [NZ Property Gurus Limited] Company in bad light. Such defamatory and disparaging statements, amounting to libel in terms of Defamation Act of 1992, has not only hurt me emotionally but has also damaged mine and [NZ Property Gurus Limited] Company’s reputation in the [sic] business circles.
Now let me tell you from experience, this statement allegedly from ‘Dean Letfus’ claiming that reproduction of images from websites for illustrative purposes is “…a clear case of Infringement of Company’s Copyrights in violation of the national and international laws” is, in my view, fantasy.
David Whitburn’s use — and my use, any number of bloggers’ use (including Letfus & ‘geekversity’ guru Stenning) — of published images from various websites in this manner falls easily into the ‘fair dealing for the purposes of review, criticism and reporting’ provisions of the Copyright Act — in this case illustrating criticism and a statement of honest opinion. There’s been no attempt to appropriate or commercialise someone else’s intellectual property or claim it as one’s own. To say otherwise is nonsense.
Looking at the photos of Shaun Stenning wearing pantyhose over a pink G-string and Dean Letfus wearing clown pyjamas and a curly blue wig, it’s understandable they may feel embarrassed the next morning … but WHY DRESS LIKE THAT? and WHY POSE FOR PHOTOS?
Unless these images are faked (seems unlikely), how can they be ‘untrue’ and defamatory? (And these aren’t the worst, apparently.)
Hello? It’s called Facebook Shaun and Dean — have you heard of it?
One’s Facebook ‘friends’ can publish all sorts of ‘stuff’ on the internet, tagging you in photos — it may be awkward at times, but not ‘illegal’.
It’s the same with YouTube (embarrassing, but already published):
You can read the threatening letters from Shaun Stenning and someone claiming to be Dean Letfus in full here: PDF_200K
The far bigger issue, of course, is whether the US tax liens ‘package’ being so aggressively promoted by these self-proclaimed NZ Property Gurus is a worthwhile investment.
David Whitburn doesn’t think so and gives his reasons.
A year ago neither did ‘guru’ Dean Letfus — but now he’s selling them! (No joke.)
Dear Mr. Aranyi,
I, Chowbok, am an independent thinker and the proprietor of Nothing Inc., do so declare that…
This notice is in reference to the my injury due to actually “laughing-my-ass-off” after reading the PDF document (Stenning-Letfus-letters-Mar2010.pdf) containing the attempted heavy-handed letter writing attacks on Mr. David Whitburn.
My injury occurred while reading said document. On reaching the word “defamation” I fell, laughing to the floor. By the time I reached the words “Copyright Infringement” I realized that my fall and my continued heavy and uncontrollable laughter had caused my ass to actually separate from my body. When this occurred I realized that the only kind of action to take was massive legal action – the kind of legal action that leaves one in a state of Shock and Awe – and in that state (of Shock and Awe), you too will feel the same psychological and emotional pain I felt when I realized that I lost my ass; or as they say in Latin, “Separatass.”
I, therefore, direct you
To submit in writing to me, an unconditional apology stating that you are sorry for my assless condition.
To publish on the Home Page of your website, the above referred unconditional apology and a statement that you will not write, display or otherwise disseminate any humorous documents that may, at some future time, make me laugh so hard that my ass falls off again.
To immediately purchase from me, every single US Tax lien that I so foolish purchased in an attempt to on-sell these pieces of crap to New Zealand rube-investors.
Because I’m really cheap, and I wrote this letter myself; unless you comply with above directions within 7 (Seven) days of the receipt of this notice, I reserve the right to commence proceedings by running to the nearest solicitor who will actually charge me money for writing the same, if not similar letter to you.
Please be advised I have zero knowledge of the law. I’m really on a “fishing expedition” and I will use any response that you choose to supply me with “against you” in pursuit of this judgment, in the unlikely event we actually do end up in Court.
Yours Truly
Proprietor, Nothing Inc.
Mr/Ms Chowbok: accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the separation of your ass from your body — even if it could be proved our posting of the aforementioned semiliterate threatening letters caused such separation. (As if you could prove that!)
Please refer to our fine print disclaimer (don’t bother looking) and take all future claims regarding your ass and its attachment/detachment issues to your own insurer.
Thank you.
The editorial staff.
(PS But yeah, those letters are hilarious, aren’t they?)
That is genius Peter!
I think we have discovered a new kind of investment vehicle. Now all we need to do is bundle it into some kind of fund and sell it to Wall Street. Failing that, there is always the New Zealand investor.
I like it! A Structured Investment Vehicle!
We’ll have to come up with a good name. How about…
“High grade structured credit strategies fund” or “High grade structured credit enhanced leveraged fund”? (I don’t think we should mention the word ‘ass’.)
(see video below: about 5:33)
Then we just have to find a good sales team.
Where can we find people like that? (Hey, hang on a minute…)
[…] accords with Shaun Stenning’s somewhat transparent ‘authorship’ of the unintentionally funny threatening letters (PDF), one purportedly from Dean Letfus to David Whitburn demanding publication […]
[…] As reported earlier, that blog attracted a couple of poorly-drafted threatening letters, apparently from Shaun Stenning (although one was in Dean Letfus’s name), whose ‘concerns’ ranged across a variety of somewhat implausible intellectual property claims and the inclusion of supposedly defamatory statements and images. […]
[…] influence? I haven’t seen Kieran’s costume. I’m sure it will be good, but I think Dean Letfus’s clown suit and blue wig will take a lot of beating. What fun! […]
[…] Of course, it’s worth remembering one thing about Dean ‘Sponge Bay’ Letfus and Sean ‘Geekversity’ Stennning: They’re commission salesmen (in drag, sometimes, apparently). […]
[…] John Clarke and Bryan Dawe calculate the cost of the European debt crisis. (in the same ilk as John Bird and John Fortune. Clarke and Dawe on European economies … (click to watch at […]
[…] his name) had sent threats of legal threats over an openly critical blog post — threats which I published here for general merriment — and against whom it’s possible he bears a grudge for his straight […]
[…] to another author’s work for the purposes of review and criticism (we’ve discussed this before) under the ‘Fair dealing’ provisions of the 1994 Copyright Act. Maybe that’s the […]
[…] your facts. My first comments here at mentioning Shaun Stenning, No April fool, Dean Letfus claims: “DEFAMATION!” and Shaun Stenning: Monkey or Organ Grinder? in April 2010 followed his semi-literate and (probably […]
[…] spruikers Dean Letfus and Steve (pool of sharks) Goodey — a dead giveway from my POV) and his semi-literate bush lawyer threats more than a year ago … which I considered was ‘about time someone started going public […]
[…] It’s dumb — but I have seen that approach taken by spruikers before. Like Shaun Stenning and Dean Letfus. […]
[…] also: A tale of woe … or fevered imagination? and No April fool, Dean Letfus claims: “DEFAMATION!” […]