So. it transpires that the ‘cup of tea’ stunt was bugged, and the Herald on Sunday‘s intrepid David Fisher has the recording (kudos, David).
How could that happen? And was it deliberate? Dunno.
But simple almost always beats complicated …

Here's the scene at the supremely stage-managed 'cup of tea' on Friday. That's me on the left. The seemingly ageless Wayne Eagleson is John Key's chief of staff, Banks & Key at centre, and just in shot my former RNZ colleague Todd Niall's hand with his mic. Note the 'mystery object' in plain sight. Shortly after this we were bustled out by the PM's Diplomatic Protection Squad goons, one of them somewhat aggressively grabbing my gear and shoving it away ... but leaving the mystery object RIGHT THERE ON THE TABLE. (Pic: Dean Purcell NZ Herald) Click to enlarge.
Here’s my shot as we were being shepherded out like geese by Wayne (right) and the gorillas DPS. Note the mystery object the PM’s security detail left in place on the table next to him.

Well, it was hardly a private chat anyway ... but leaving a recording device on the table? Doh. (pic: Peter Aranyi)
Hands up who wants to hear it, or read a transcript? I do. It strikes me as amazing if they actually talked about any matters of substance while in a glass box surrounded by media. Kinda stupid of them if they did, wouldn’t you say?
– P
Maybe it was not a recording device but instead a stun gun. Just in case the media attacked Key
Lol Whitt.
I’m sure the stocky bullet-headed plainclothes policeman who manhandled my gear without saying a single word to me (not even a grunt) could handle any ‘attack’ by nanny-pampy members of the fourth estate.
So – whats the point of this – you were there … or is the recording in existence and can the public hear it.
Its a little bit of a forrest gump expose – I was there – look at me.
Loved the shot of your dockers – very 90’s i’m a sensitive guy attire.
Where was Hilary when all this happened … reading a teleprompter and picking up awards for doing what?
Mate, those are moleskins! – P
Im sorry pete – i apologise to you and your moleskins. Spare a thought for those poor bloody moles. You are a good man – im only bullying you to make myself feel better.
So spare a thought for ME uncle Pete!!!
[…] Mystery object was a bug!Thin-skinned media critic Cameron Slater spits dummyPosted in November 13, 2011Peter AranyiNo […]
Although I find it disgraceful the media had to stoop to such levels as trying to hide a recording device.
We were not in the UK I thought.
The ‘point’ of my story/post is to point out that the DPS were superficially diligent in herding the news media away. Yes, I was right there and copped a shove. (I know you think I’m a show off Ivan.)
Then they *missed* a little black bag on the table. Ha!
The event was, as I described it, a media stunt.
No policy or formal statement or press release. Just a note to the breathless media that John Key had a scheduled ‘catch up’ with John Banks… and a scrum-packed media standup laden with near-sophistry: ‘I’m not telling people how to vote … but I wouldn’t be unhappy if they …’
The event was all about being ‘observed’. That was its purpose.
That it may have been ‘observed’ a little closer than intended is, I think, hilarious.
– P
Pete i DONT think you are a show off – im probably jealous that i dont get the chance to rub shoulders with these people … and i am i admit that.
I actually admire your approach but i like to rough you up sometimes (or try to anyway…) because you just cant be allowed to think your poos dont stink.. so there …
Cheers Ivan.
Journalists get *amazing* access in NZ … even with the stage-managed, contrived political stunts like Friday’s ‘cup of tea’.
We’re looked down on as scum, paupers, or poorly-briefed serfs and treated like ‘useful idiots’ or ‘chooks’ by some politicians … even the once-powerful aristocracy of the press gallery.
We’re written off by people who think we’re (a) liberal, lefty media and (b) corporate, money-driven media at the same time. We’re accused of loving the government, being camp followers … or carrying water for the opposition … or whoever.
People like Cameron Slater take cheap potshots at us and ignorantly slander people working in the media … while wanting to be let ‘in’.
Like tax inspectors, many of the best among us move into PR or work as Beehive spin doctors.
I listened to John Key’s remarks after the cup of tea — all of them, not just the broadcast highlights — and thought: This sort of contrived, inauthentic-feeling performance (“not telling people how to vote ….just sending a clear signal”) is one of the reasons people just don’t trust politicians.
But what do I know? The polls tell a different story.
I think the media are essential. Without you – we dont get to see what the pollies would rather we didnt see.
My criticism – is the seemingly obvious bias of many frontmen and women. No serious questioning – just space allowed for grandstanding – or in the case of Holmes or The Nation – hard questions for anything from Labour and vague pussyfooting with anything from National. I almost get the impression that the outcome has been decided – and the programme planning involves a means of making sure that that outcome is reached at the end. A colleague of mine who was a senior (japanese) exec with a major Japanese auto industry corporate said to me “in japan we decide on the outcome of a meeting – before the meeting …” NZ is becoming like that. The media seem to be feeding on the same corpse and being tainted by its bacterial infection.
Its depressing Pete – for the average joe and joe-ess – its depressing to see how privilege and power is nakedly demonstrated, wielded and abused. For many Pete – its overwhelming and defeating … and some of us unwashed are pleading with the media to advocate for truth – not just sensation. Please help us.
I’m disappointed you give this creep cudous. Its poor form.
And Ivan I 100% agree Hilary did what. Unless the award was for best Talking head. But in saying that she stills not deserve it. She can keep her snidy of the script comments regarding apparent chauvinistic men to herself. The only person worse than her is Miriama Kamo.
But I understand why you mentioned her (Hillary) you appear to work with Radio Live which actually answers a lot.
Gidday Craig – actually respect Petes opinions .. but im losing respect for media fullstop.
[…] in January 27, 2012Peter AranyiNo Comments »I predicted here and elsewhere that the recording of the now infamous election campaign ‘cup of tea‘ between ACT Epsom candidate John […]
[…] That’s intriguing. They spoke to the public? Funny thing: I was there, in the cafe (see blue circle in the frame from Fairfax video) … and, although I think I can credibly be called an eye witness, I haven’t been approached by anyone investigating the case to discuss what I observed happen that afternoon — and I was standing right at the table. […]
[…] $14,000 in costs to prepare for and attend a court hearing on whether a conversation carried out in front of 40 journalists with cameras and recorders was ‘public’ as dubious. Politics lecturer Bryce Edwards labelled it ‘political […]
[…] “If the old politicians understood that the laws they are making are the equivalent of putting microphones under every cafe table … ” (cf: like Urban Cafe? see Mystery object was a bug!) […]
[…] For context see: Mystery object was a bug! […]