Landing in my in-box this afternoon … A promotion for an upcoming ‘not another property seminar’ with Kieran Trass, fresh from his stint at the NZ Property Guru’s [sic] hard-sell roadshow …
Starring Kieran Trass as ‘The Property Investment Genie’.
Knowing Kieran as I do, I might have plumped for a different imaginary magical character.

In June 2008 the NZ Herald reported Kieran Trass DENYING being a property guru.
I guess that was then, this is now.
How about: ‘The Property Investment Leprechaun‘ … or maybe ‘the PI Pixie‘?
Any other suggestions?
In addition to Kieran’s star turn as a genie, there’s also going to be a Shoe Bomber Terrorist (!) and a Professional Belly Dancer. Oh boy!
I swear I’m not making any of this up. I can’t help but wonder if this is NZ Property Guru’s [sic] marketing genie-ass Shaun Stenning‘s influence?
I haven’t seen Kieran’s costume. I’m sure it will be good, but I think Dean Letfus’s clown suit and blue wig will take a lot of beating. What fun!
So are the cabin crew just a minor role because they know less?
Very inventive, I’ve never heard of anyone using panto to educate about property investment. Will the audience be required to yell “Look behind you”?
Pantomime! Of course. Nice comment. Or perhaps they’ll shout: “Oh yes he is!!”
I just hope he keeps his pants on, unlike Mr pink g-string and pantyhose.
Thanks for the amusing article Peter,
If you had asked me then would have explained I’m still not a guru.
My role at Dean and Shauns weekend event was simply as a ‘guest’ and they labeled me aa a guru for their event, nor has Shaun or Dean etc had any input or involvement in the looming FFAir event.
My ‘Financial Freedom Airways’ stage show has nothing to do with the ‘gurus’.
The FFAir unique stage show offers a fresh approach to property investment edutainment and is being professionally directed with professional actors plus a cast of ‘friends’ of mine in the industry acting various roles and a few extra entertaining additions (yes including a professional belly dancer!)
Promises to be a lot of fun and genies always keep their pants on.
It would be polite to ask first in future Peter before making strongly opinionated assumptions about my roles or events.
Leprechaun or Pixie LOL! Thanks Peter
No, Kieran, thank YOU for the hilarious email. I laughed like a drain.
“I’m still not a guru”
Mmmmm Bokay. So what’s this? A mistake, a misstatement… or what?:

source: NZ Property Guru’s [sic] promotion
How did that whole experience — “Dean and Shauns weekend event” — work out for you?
If someone had asked me, I wouldn’t have said you had much in common with Shaun Stenning. But you’ve surprised me before with your choice of ‘alliance partners’.
re your “a fresh approach to property investment edutainment”
It’s good to hear your pants are staying on. There’s no business like Show Business!
– Peter
Thanks Peter,
I’m not responsible for the marketing undertaken by other organisations that invite me to be a guest speaker at.
The result of the experience with NZPG for me has been an extremely successful launch into Christchurch … [snip]
Here’s a few short testimonials so far… [snip]
Thanks Peter
[Come on Kieran! It’s not a noticeboard for ads.]
“I’m not responsible for the marketing undertaken by other organisations that invite me to be a guest speaker at.”
Is that your answer Kieran? Really?
If you feel your involvement with the Letfus-Stenning hard-sell roadshow was worthwhile for your ‘mentoring (not ‘guru’) business … well that’s just peachy.
What’s a little misrepresentation between friends?
Give it time, I reckon. – P
I attended the Financial Freedom Airways event run by Hybrid. I must admit it was a very entertaining evening and good mix of education.
As many of you are aware I am not one to attend an event blindly. The evening met all my expectations. It:
-Had a good story line.
-Was fun.
-Inflight catering was good.
-Was educating.
-Had a belly dancer.
-It covered some of the “WHY” a investor is actually investing. And left you walking away understanding this “WHY” is the most important thing.
-It was finally a good change after many years of other companies running hardcore pressure seminars trying to sell products. A light hearted approach was refreshing indeed.
All I know is I and many others enjoyed the event.
For further viewing on how the “Truth vs Tabloid reporting” ends go to.
Thanks for the review/testimonial … But no mention of the genie or his costume, Whitt?
Also, this comment: “As many of you are aware…” is, if you’ll pardon my observation, just a little presumptive. How would we know that?
Or, it just occurred to me, is this a copy of a glowing endorsement you’ve published elsewhere?
As part of the edutainment various people did dress in costume and it made the evening more enjoyable.
Next time come along Peter I am sure you would have enjoyed it too.
Why are you dodging the question? What was Kieran wearing?
When I go to view a movie I dont talk to my friends after about the clothes the actor wore. Instead I tell them about the movie and if I enjoyed it or not.
See you at the next event Peter.
It’s OK, Whitt. Looks like one of the other ‘Cabin Crew’ posted a phone-pic on Facebook … could it be Kieran Trass in his genie costume??
(Is that Kerry Christian on the right?) – P
UPDATE: Just a note that Kieran did say the genie’s pants always stay on … it didn’t occur to me to ask about his shirt!
OK, it seems that’s NOT Kieran Trass in the picture above.
Shoulda guessed. I thought the macrobiotic man might have been wearing a ‘fat-suit’ for his performance in the show … like the one Robin Williams wore in Mrs Doubtfire or Eddie Murphy wore in the The Nutty Professor…
Never mind.
[…] How are these misleading, dishonest tactics possibly a fit for ANYONE who uses the word ‘ethical’ in their tagline like Dean Letfus? (…or even in their self-image, for that matter, like Kieran Trass.) […]
I think, when people are fleeced, it is only natural for them to become embarrassed and defensive because of their bad choice. Let’s face it – people are human after all!
Who has been fleeced?
[…] his involvement in a Spruiker Express-type seminar, presumably NZ Property Gurus which we discussed here earlier this year. Guru come, Guru go … how Kieran Trass's involvement with NZ Property […]