James Taylor and Carole King on tour
(image: stuff.co.nz)

The phrase ‘music that is the soundtrack of our lives’ has acquired the quality of a cliché — but by golly, bathing in the glory of these two troubadours at their Auckland concert tonight, the phrase fits.

I was so happy to hear them, to see them and enjoy their camaraderie and their art. They hit all the big numbers and scratched our itch with a generous, full concert and encores.

At times, with James Taylor’s numbers, I was on the verge of tears … for no definable reason except that hearing the songs of my youth and young adulthood moved me — and touched in me memories of people and times past. Some I will not see again.

His guitar work was exquisite, no two ways about it, and the old crew in the band were outstanding. But it was his voice, his essence, and the quiet power of the songs that captivated me.

Recently, in my reply to a comment from Perry in our discussion on grief, I described James Taylor as a profound soul influence in my life, and a contributor to my personal and emotional growth.

Tonight showed me again: Yes. That’s true. I was right.

I’m so glad we went. – P