This comment floated in overnight — from ‘Jennifer‘, [who is a sockpuppet. See UPDATE 2 below] in response to last month’s post ‘Is this how Shaun Stenning handles a request for a refund?‘ and, oh, she accuses me of insincerity, to say the least:
Hi Peter,
It seems you like to play devils advocate don’t you, you have never once posted anything positivite [sic] about Shaun Stenning, no mention of the $30,000 SGD he donated to the All One Foundation earlier in the year, no mention of the lives he’s changed with the information and strategies that he has taught from stage.
But you’ll happily publish all the crap that you hear second hand or read on other websites and forums? C’mon, you are in exactly the same industry as Stenning is, and from what I can see you started to publish your posts about him just after his successful launch of the NZPG brand into New Zealand.. Seems to be a bit of a green eyed monster coming out of the dark doesn’t it..
Can you honestly say that you’ve never had an unhappy customer with your Empower (what ever it is) company, events, products and people that you promote? Can you honestly say that.. You are in exactly same industry and you know exactly the success rate of people that go into programs or do you have a different success rate to the rest of the industry where 100% of the people who come to your events and buy your’s or your speakers programs retire and be financially free..
Would love to hear your thoughts openly below
A few thoughts in reply (openly):
Hello Jen,
First, your attempted spin:
Loudly trumpeted charity donations, if they actually occur, are their own reward, in my view. Even if I was aware of them, so?
Personally, I don’t find your gushing ”lives he’s changed…” detail-free claim even slightly plausible. Not from what I hear.
Ask the disappointed Geekversity victims still licking their wounds in Australia and NZ, and now the Asian customers unhappy at what they see as “lies” they’ve been told in the hard-sell sales pitch for and
You declare that I’m in “exactly the same industry as Stenning is” but then refer to “Empower (what ever it is)” as if you don’t really know … whacky. You imply envy or a vague business competition motivate my comments and their timing — par for the course. Good grief.
Check your facts. My first comments here at mentioning Shaun Stenning, No April fool, Dean Letfus claims: “DEFAMATION!” and Shaun Stenning: Monkey or Organ Grinder? in April 2010 followed his semi-literate and (probably unintentionally) funny ‘legal threats’ against a fellow blogger who reviewed one of the NZ property guru, er, ‘events’ to which you refer.
Smooth-talking Shaun Stenning was the pitchman. (You know the drill: ‘If there’s one thing I know about successful people it’s that they Take Action. Come, join us, make your dreams come true. Step into the future you deserve. Retire rich, rilly rilly fast. Just 3 easy clicks and sit back. All major credit cards accepted. Sign here before this opportunity passes you by.’ etc.)
I was told he got 25% off the top for his salesmanship. Nice work if you can get it.
But almost a year before that, around June 2009, Shaun’s Geekversity um ‘enterprise’ and roadshow had already caught my attention via the hyperbolic and dubious sales propaganda of Dean Letfus and Steve Goodey, two notable property spruikers and get-rich-quick ‘operators’ here in NZ. (Birds of a feather?)
Dean and Steve’s – what shall we call it? – half-baked ‘promotional liaison’ with Shaun told me pretty much all I needed to know about him. Shaun himself later confirmed it by hawking US tax liens for the boys, as the review which sparked the vacuous ‘legal threats’ disclosed. The Geekversity hyperbole was the topic of considerable enlightening discussion on PropertyTalk long before the NZPG egg was cracked.
I was a humble part of that PT discussion (blush) even stumbling across a link describing the awful denouement when that mangy Geekversity carcass of a so-called business was finally put out of its misery (following mass refund demands – remind you of anything?) at a loss of AUD $5.5million.
No, Jen, I really don’t see I’m in ‘exactly the same industry’. Nor anything like it.
(My eyes actually ARE green, but not in the way you mean.)
Unhappy customers
As the old saying goes, you can’t please everybody.
Yes, at times various businesses I’ve been involved in have refunded customers who expressed dissatisfaction. That’s a good policy, I think, and in my case, rare indeed. As LV Martin used to say: ‘It’s the putting right that counts.’
The mass or customer revolts (or ‘refund movement’ our Indonesian commenter called it here) that the Stenning gang seems to attract are very unusual events, in my opinion.
Even more so Facebook groups, multiple critical blogs and lawyers threatening class actions or writing to customers offering to take action as happened this year in the Geekversity case.
Most businesses (including mine) don’t make hyperbolic promises like ‘quick and easy cash-flow machine’, and ‘retire this year’ … they know that chickens come home to roost.
Regards, and thanks for dropping by — Peter
PS as for ‘publishing crap’, Jen, have you see this?: Review: An odious little volume
UPDATE: Just after I posted this, I noticed this follow-up comment from Jen came in while I was writing it:
… reminded me of Steve Goodey asking for input then ignoring mine:
So I guess in Steve Goodey-speak “I’d really like to hear your opinion” … translates as “I’d really like to hear your opinion unless you’re Peter Aranyi (or you disagree with me)”?
That’s not how I try to play it at, Jen. I’ve actually stopped some comments alleging ‘criminal’ actions by Shaun Stenning from appearing, but generally, this site goes pretty much uncensored except for spam, valueless self-promotion, and downright nasty stuff aimed at people (even if they deserve it, sometimes).
UPDATE 2: Oops, it turns out ‘Jennifer’ supplied a dodgy email address. Sockpuppet? Yeah probably. Makes you wonder: Maybe ‘she’ is equally bogus? (Or maybe it’s just an honest mistake or misunderstanding?)
Most Spruikers rely on the notion that they are civic minded and utilize donations (which in some countries, may actually have been bribes paid to local officials to actually do business there) to promote that image.
If they donate money to charity then they must be honest, right?
It’s an old trick. Snake-oil salesman will tell you anything they think you want to hear to get you to open your wallet.
Jennifer, were you tricked and deceived to part with your money? If so, the proper authority is the police.
Jennifer, were you tricked and deceived to part with your money? If so, the proper authority is the police.”
It hadn’t occurred to me Jennifer might be yet another unhappy customer! That’s empathetic of you, JT.
(I’d assumed she was a family member.)
– P
Her email to you could simply be a cry for help. We don’t know Jennifer’s relationship to Shaun Stenning. But, if she did purchase one of his products, and that product has not been generating the kind of cash flow promised, then she may feel foolish. Most people who are scammed do feel foolish, and this is why most people do not go to the police or warn their friends about the scam.
When you (internet and publishing mogul), point out that there may actually be something fishy about Stenning and the company he keeps, then Jennifer may think that you (indirectly) are calling her a fool; because if you are right – then she has been duped — and she has been taken for a fool. She may see you as an easy target in which to vent her frustration upon. Never underestimate the human mind!
People react in different ways to the different problems in their lives. I think we should give Jennifer a chance to analyze the position she is in; come to grips with it, and make a plan to get out.
There is help out there for people who have been scammed. The police are one venue; another is legal action against the perpetrator to recoup money lost. Regardless, Jennifer should seek legal advice from a registered solicitor if she believes that she has been scammed.
Hi JT.
This part of your comment made me laugh out loud:
“When you (internet and publishing mogul), point out …”
As the wonderful Taylor Swift says:
Same here. Even more so. – P
I thought you would enjoy that.
Just to clear up a mis-represented fact here, Geekversity was not a Shaun Stenning enterprise. Geekversity was a Geekdom enterprise, which in turn makes it a Photon Group enterprise. I was a contractor to Geekversity and like many others were affected by their demise.
[Comment: Hello Shaun. Would you perhaps be happier with this wording?:
Instead of:
Let’s try:
After all:
from: Q: Is this a Shaun Stenning product? A: Er, cough. Well, yes and no … – Peter ]
Hi Peter,
A more appropriate statement indeed as it would be very naive to think that I would have control of a company that was a division of a publicly listed enterprise. I am flattered that you think my skills great enough to lead a division of a listed company.
I’m glad you’re so happy with the phrasing … but I think you overstate my assessment of your skills.
My main issue with how people like you operate is the hyperbolic over promising and questionable claims of ‘expertise’ and ‘results’. I’ve been fairly consistent in that theme.
I also have an issue with some of the business methods you advocate such as those in your publication YouTube Traffic Thieves

which, it seems to me, are dubious practice … as the very disclaimer in your Twalk ‘black hat’ report indicates.
It’s not about the business structure and your role in it.
It’s simpler than that: it’s about the way you promote the business — and the hyped and (according to your own customers) misleading claims you make in order to sell your ‘product’.
Just as one final aside Peter, I have been conversing via email with a client of mine in New Zealand who paid around $10,000 NZD (a little more with GST I believe) to a educator that you promote. They received no delivery on the product, would you be willing to help them achieve a refund of this course fee as a follow on to your good will?
Possibly I could provide you with a well documented and proven case history for you to publish here?
Anyway thanks for the blog, quite enjoying it now 🙂
[Comment: I invited Shaun Stenning to send me any information he wanted to about this claim. Nothing ever came back, despite his assurances (correspondence below), which made me think the ‘well documented and proven case history’ he claimed to have is bogus. – Peter March 2011.]
[To date (March 2011), I have heard nothing more about this ‘aside’ from Shaun Stenning. I do not find his claim credible.]
That ‘final aside’ strikes me as a pretty transparent attempt at a ploy, Shaun. Read this:
If you’re so enjoying the blog, why are you offering people refunds on the condition that they get their comments removed?
or this:
Then there’s this:
“Anyway thanks for the blog, quite enjoying it now”
Now that’s an endorsement I don’t need!
Malaysia too? Oh dear.
[…] recently had cause to mention our comments policy at, saying I’m not a big believer in censorship, but there […]
Just to let you know I’m ignoring Shaun Stenning’s attempts to falsely deify me as a ‘true advocate of the people’ whose ‘good will’ should lead me to entertain and offer a platform for his oh-so-very-convenient story about a supposed customer supposedly seeking a refund from a supposed associate of mine. (Sigh.) Nope.*
Remember this: A little backlash?
Well, after finking about it real hard, it looks like someone hatched a cunning scheme to distract from his Twalk/Snipr Asian customer rebellion and ‘refund movement’ by digging around for any ‘dirt’ he can find… (on me?!?!)
Sorry, Spike. Not interested. I’m not the one with the reputation issues. Get lost, Shaun. Or stick to the point.
– Peter
*See my profile: No claims to be a saint.
Is anybody surprised that ‘Jennifer’ gave a false email address?
I just stumbled across this In email spam folder…
Gee, what does that say for the strength and value of “Jen’s” character endorsement of Shaun Stenning? It really makes me doubt everything in her original post. Maybe she’s a YouTube Traffic Thief as well?
(And nice too — don’t you think? — that she, a sockpuppet, sarcastically slammed me as ‘a true man of integrity’ … oops.) – P
[…] it. A nasty hypocrite. Because (how does it go again? Oh yes, I remember…) He’s in the exactly the same industry as us. Yep, he’s just like […]
[…] e.g. popping up pretending to be innocent bystanders/customers of my business appalled at my online ‘behaviour’ in calling out spruikers by name in a discussion forum (Slapper) or pretending to be their own ‘satisfied customer’ speaking up to defend the deceitful spruiker (i.e themselves) from criticism (Muffit). Or the fake person who popped up to defend Shaun Stenning and publicise his [alleged] large donations to charity and how he’s changed people’s lives with ‘the information and strategies that he has taught from stage’ (Jennifer). […]
[…] ‘internet shaming’, don’t you agree? (Shaun Stenning has had various sockpuppets spring to his defence here on too, I believe. Oh, and come after […]