A few years back, if I recall correctly, a man was convicted for stabbing a woman in Fort St, downtown Auckland. He had an alibi that placed him somewhere else — someone who said: ‘He was wiff me, guvnor.’ But the Crown prosecutor produced evidence from a phone company’s cell tower records that showed that someone had made a call on the defendant’s mobile phone in the vicinity of Fort St around the estimated time of the stabbing. Case closed.
The interwebs have been abuzz this week with news that your iPhone keeps a log file of where your cell phone network thinks the phone has been since you turned it on. And (shock, horror) this information is, by default, kept (unencrypted *) on the phone and in the back-up of your iPhone data in iTunes … and is interrogatable. Cool.
Well, I thought so, given these comments from the geeks who discovered the log:
Don’t panic. As we discuss in the video, there’s no immediate harm that would seem to come from the availability of this data. Nor is there evidence to suggest this data is leaving your custody. But why this data is stored and how Apple intends to use it — or not — are important questions that need to be explored.
My hero Al Franken sees it differently: Al Franken To Steve Jobs On iPhone Tracking: I Want Answers
“It is also entirely conceivable that malicious persons may create viruses to access this data from customers’ iPhones, iPads, and desktop and laptop computers. There are numerous ways in which this information could be abused by criminals and bad actors,” Franken wrote.
‘Numerous ways’? Like what, Al?
I wasn’t worried since, as I told my panelbeater fixing what looked like a bullet-strike (!!) on the door frame of my 528 a while back: ‘I’m not a drug dealer and I don’t have a mistress.’ (I think I might have been suing someone at the time, but, neh …)
So, of course I straightaway downloaded the open source application iPhoneTracker to look at my own data (well, why wouldn’t you?), and here, according to the file, is where my phone and I (apparently) went one day last week:

Gee, I don't remember visiting Waiheke and those other islands, nor popping over to the Corromandel Peninsula. Oops. (click to enlarge)
Oh dear. Now I’m worried. The data is not exactly accurate, since I didn’t actually visit Waiheke Island or zoom over to the Corromandel Peninsula that day. Clearly, I would expect the GSM cell phone call data would be more accurate than this … which looks like it’s logging whichever cell tower ‘sniffed’ my phone. But even so … I can see why this could be useful and worth asking for in a search warrant/legal discovery — in some cases, I guess.
If you have an iPhone follow this link to do this for yourself. It was fascinating watching the ‘video’ of my travels since I bought the iPhone … but unlike some suggestions, it only tracked me since I upgraded to the iPhone 4 — my iPhone 3G data (two-and-a-half years’ worth!) didn’t show up since I didn’t upgrade it to iOS4.
Fun times. I guess to the pure, all things are pure. (My standard ‘I am not a saint’ disclaimer applies.)
– P
*Update: Another hero, Andy Ihnatko sees it differently to me, calling it ‘a nervous can of worms’ … but even he says, somewhat contentiously, in Hey, wonderful: there’s a location-tracking file on my iPhone:
It’s pretty much a non-issue if you’ve clicked the ‘Encrypt iPhone Backup’ option in iTunes. Even with physical access to your desktop, a no-goodnik wouldn’t be able to access the logfile.
Sure, but it’s still subpoena-able (is that a word?)
Oh, before you ask: Android phones keep the same data, apparently, but not for as long …
“Following the latest days internet outrage/overreaction to the revelation that iPhone has a cache for its location service, I decided to have look what my Android devices caches for the same function.
This is a quick dumper I threw together to parse the files from the Android location provider…. “
I agree with this from John Gruber …
Truth be known its probably a hangover from the testing days that they saw no reason to turn off.
We’ve also seen cellphone records used in the Mark Lundy trial and with the Kahui twins.
I find it curious that you could have been picked up by Coromandel towers – could you be in Kapiti and accidentally picked up by towers in Palmerston North?
I’ve been fascinated by the “Public Access Points” that my wifi only iPad uses to give me satnav capabilities. Sometimes wonky but usually very accurate. I don’t know quite what they are but I’m guessing my iPad is storing that info somewhere.
“I find it curious that you could have been picked up by Coromandel towers…
Yes, it surprised me too… *east* of Corromandel, even. Waiheke,
or around the coast from my place, sure, North Shore, OK, but gee.
Dodgy like early DNA evidence?
I don’t see them convicting (or freeing) anyone based on their cellphone logs. I wonder if you can edit them so that you do appear to have been where you said?
My daughter may finally have the ultimate reason to demand an iPhone!
Re ‘covering your tracks’ … Er maybe turn OFF your phone? Dunno about editing the db.
FYI I’ve installed the ‘Find my iPhone‘ app which means if it’s lost, or someone logs into the service with my details, the phone can be tracked LIVE. It works too!

(Obviously nothing much to hide, huh?)
I sooo don’t care about this, despite the screeching of the privacy groups, as reported by the (hey, I’ve noticed) very-quick-to-find-fault-with-Apple newsroom at The Independent:
Oooh, ‘a lot of things’ … like what? Exposing adultery? Right, that’s just terrible!
Here’s a pic of my ‘all time’ data (with more non-existent trips to the Corromandel) … deduce away Eric King. Knock yourself out.
Who cares?
And here’s a detailed view of that day last week. What can you tell me about my day?

Daniel Eran Dilger on this at roughlydrafted.com …
Why the phony LocationGate scandal targets fear of Apple’s iOS more than Android
Predictably, he’s pretty mellow about it — and technically literate.
Best comment from the comment stream, John E:
“Geeze. i think there is a good point buried in this long post someplace, but the Metaphor Monster gobbled it up”
{snort} I know what he means!
And oops … even ‘worser’? …
[…] a bit of clarification and an update ahead. Don’t know if this will end the hysteria. Interesting how long Apple chose to take to reply to the ‘mounting pressure’. Like […]
[…] the time & location data for the photo (shock horror) … If enabled, this data is embedded in the jpeg … and sometimes survives uploading to the […]
[…] Remember this map from my 2011 post?: Despite that, your honour, I wasn’t ACTUALLY there. […]