Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so the proverb goes. It seems it’s the same, too, with perceptions of political ‘performance’. (Whatever that slippery term means.)
This week, I made a judgement about Justice Minister Judith Collins and her handling of the Bain compensation report. See Current affairs through partisan filters. David Bain in limbo.
Today 3News‘s Patrick Gower named her as his ‘Politician of the year’, complete with an Addams Family-esque portrait.
Patrick is, of course, entitled to his opinion — like everybody else. And like others in the public eye, I guess Mrs Collins has developed a thick skin. If you know what I mean.
– P
Take a gander at what Bob Jones says … he nails it i reckon …
She may need more than just a stern look to navigate this one … just goes to show you shouldnt start believing your own publicity
Thanks for the link.
I see Bob Jones perceives the same ‘banana republic’ aspect that I do … with the same demeaning effect on Mrs Collins.
What interests me about Jones weighing in against her … on this issue – is that generally on the neo liberal “plane of existence” (which he sort of inhabits) in NZ at present there seems to be this firm belief that might is right … and that “balls-out” politicians are meant to be our new heros. We have a PM who beats even Clark at the “offhand asshole acting out” syndrome/behaviours …
Jones made his money when it was easy to do so – and having money – its easier now to hang on to despite the whims of the current market. He is noted for being notoriously combative and a rightist/capitalist of the first order. The famous video footage of him arriving at the nat conference in the 70’s and giving the fingers to the protestors is legend. Even he – of all people – sees the tawdry facade of this race of superheroes that inhabits the Nats and ACT. Whats next for Collins … a sort of Wewelsburg Castle with round table and National Party Runic devices on the walls. The mystic communion of the new neo-liberal outlook on life – “all must obey or perish …” Bet she loves Wagner … the flight of the valkyries ..
Maybe he (jones) reads the Paepae and has repented of his former sins.
Jones is not dumb – if he sees it – surely to god the voting public may one day see it too.
I wont hold my breath – we love tough guys, eye gougers, elbowers and other contact sports.
Are you trying to re-name her “morticia” …. “cara mia…”
Bob Jones goes for the ‘banana republic’ theory.
Poormastery will alternatively go for the ‘fish and chip paper in one week’ theory.
I sense that not only do foreigners not care enough about this issue to include it in their ‘banana republic’ ratings, but even NZers don’t care about it enough that it will still be be topical in one weeks’ time.
Although this is obviously an important issue to the individuals concerned, does it really make a difference to the common man?
Like the cup of tea ‘scandal’ et al, perhaps not so much…
Perhaps you’re right and we’re overestimating the impact of such trivial things.
I’d forgotten what a sickly white liberal and political dilettante Sir Robert Jones has always been. He displays such poor judgement of the national pulse and hysterically overstates his (ill-informed) opinion about public opinion and judicial probity. /sarcasm
– P
Now that … quite frankly – has to be your most interesting and eye opening series of statements you have made since i have net-known you.
Someone else doesnt pull your levers and push your buttons perchance …. ie people who constantly refer to themselves in the 3rd person in a manner that reminds one of the supreme pontiff on a feast day …
Don’t read too much into it Ivan 🙂
(You did notice the /sarcasm tag, didn’t you?)
I’ve got a bit of time for Bob Jones as a fellow capitalist … and also as someone who has literally put his money where his mouth is in the political arena (NZ Party).
I think he’s right in his disquiet about Mrs Collins’ actions re Ian Binnie’s report.
Poormastery has it right about time being the big revealer, but I think the idea of Mrs Collins being the possible/likely/inevitable successor to a bored/BTDT/this-isn’t-fun-anymore John Key has taken a dive through this episode.
Too abrasive, methinks. And less than straightforward in her dealings. Pity.
I dont have familiarity with the new iconography of the net and social media as such. So no – didnt see a sarcasm tag … i much prefer straightforward language. I thought the use of the word was applied to Jones – not your comment.
The other commenters rightness about time being the revealer … is like a preacher standing in a room of a 1000 people and saying “i believe god is telling me there is someone with a backache …”. yeah right.
Jones is absolutely on the button – the other commenter is blowing smoke out his ass.
Im glad you arent his net-bitch. Its reassuring that there are some solid certainties in this life (sigh).
Ah those common men (and women and children) … precisely my point …
“Jones is not dumb – if he sees it – surely to god the voting public may one day see it too.
I wont hold my breath – we love tough guys, eye gougers, elbowers and other contact sports.”
Yes those damnable common people are so acquiescent. The only ray of hope is that an awful lot of common people (filth, untouchables all….) do regard captains of commerce like Jones as next best to Jesus Christ incarnate.
The fish and chip paper theory is all to correct.
Could be interesting though when 2014 rolls around – and just how comfortable those commoners are by the time that happens.
Keeping a Christmas theme … you could crack walnuts on that visage dontcha think. There could be a market for a doll with a walnut cracker on the head or summ’it
Ha! Time will tell who is closer to the mark…
This clipping from yesterday’s NZ Herald shows Mrs Collins’ opponents repeating the Justice Binnie/Bob Jones put-down of her as a “tax lawyer” … I wonder if it will stick?
I hadn’t seen Rodney Hide’s take on this, with his description of Mrs Collins’ treatment of the Binnie report as “masterful but hardly justice.”
I wonder whether the said person is less able to be described as “masterful…”
As more … “prize bitch…”
Certainly Justice doesnt even figure in the matter.
I think your proffered description is a mistake. I see Mrs Collins (and Mrs Bennett for that matter) as professional politicians before anything else.
I understand your cynicism but calling a political actor a “prize bitch” is at the same level as denigrating them as a “prize idiot” — indistinguishable from empty abuse.
– P
All i can say to this comment … is its rather odd.
You have personally made comments in many instances that could be dropped into the judgement/category you have alluded to here.
You may not spend much time with the common hoi-polloi perhaps.
Its nothing to do with cynicism
As a further footnote … they (as you have named two femme fatales of National) but in particular, Collins … are indeed pollies .. elected (not by me) and although they are who they are holding the positions they do … that does not exempt them from fairly downhome comment in description ( as a potential description ) of how someone might perceive them. After all … one of them in particular has seemingly openly deemed a person as guilty by association … despite a highly paid (equally) professionals pronouncement … a prize bitch in anyones book dont you think. If it was male – i would describe it either as a bastard or a prick … maybe even that terrible thing of “fuckwit”. The person involved is feminine i suspect … so the other descriptors simply dont cut the mustard.
I invite you to visit any local watering hole and tell me if you dont hear the same?
You use elegantly conceived and quite obtuse language to say very similar things. I prefer to cut the gordian knot.
Scathing use of satire in today’s Herald on Sunday as Rodney Hide defends Justice Ian Binnie’s controversial report on David Bain’s compensation, and demonstrates his, let’s not say contempt, let’s say lack-of-confidence in justice minister Judith Collins and the Police establishment…
Rodney Hide: A pity foreign experts aren’t as clever as us