Under fire in the press? Look! Behind you! What’s that over there? A threat to national security? Time for (distr)action!
The NZ prime minister has evoked ‘Reds under the bed’ style threats to national security to justify extending the already broad powers of the nation’s spy agencies, and aiding co-operation between them.
Read the paragraph below and tell me it’s not redolent of the vacuous and deceitful ‘sexed-up dossier’ that Tony Blair used to justify the UK’s involvement in the US invasion of Iraq.
Prime Minister John Key defended the function of the Government Communications Security Bureau today saying cyber attacks relating to weapons of mass destruction were intercepted by the agency.
“There has been a disturbing escalation of cyber activities beyond simply exfiltrating data to actually altering data and systems – there have been covert attempts to acquire New Zealand science and technology for programmes relating to weapons of mass destruction or weapons delivery systems,” Mr Key said.
While defending the agency’s functions, Mr Key announced sweeping changes to GCSB’s powers, saying failure to do so would leave New Zealand’s national security open to threat.
— NZ Herald: Sweeping changes to GCSB’s powers – PM
“Weapons of mass destruction” no less!
Convenient how a ‘cyber attacks’ bogeyman has emerged to distract from the illegal actions of the GCSB. From the looks of it, our snoops and spies are lining up to get ‘sweeping’ powers … as a reward for their non-compliance with the few restrictions that apply from existing legislation.
Like the police and their use of illegal covert surveillance prior to the Urewera so-called ‘terror raids’, the GCSB has repeatedly broken the law, so … let’s change the law. Say, what?
– P
Green light to change law to spy on Kiwis
Vernon Small and Andrea Vance stuff.co.nz 16/04/2013
Greeted like this by blogger ‘No Right Turn’ …
Its disgusting the way Governments around the world are getting policy invoked/changed. By basically scaring the public. Staging stories. getting actors to pose as public etc etc.
Korea being as example.
I disagree that the GCSB wants to simply spy on NZer’s and this is why this Terrorism BS threat to NZ is the catalyst. but I am total agreement that this should not get through if its indeed whats being touted because its thin end of the wedge. Peoples Privacy should be paramount! I would still like to see some sort of warrant, real intelligence tip off before being able to track or Spy on NZ’ers.
Can you actually post link to the proposed changes the Government are trying to put in place here. All articles you reference don’t publish specifics. Just opinion and frankly using their own scare tactics opposing the change.
Your mate Obama has been using this technique almost monthly to get his despicable policies through in US.
Watch the US use the Boston Bombings to manipulate the public in some way.
See: PM announces next steps in response to GCSB report
Thanks Peter.
This is spookily similar policy change to CISPA which goes to the House in US this week. Coincidence I think not!
Yip this is another nail in the coffin of the Police Nanny state mentality.
We are doomed. And the public lap it up.
Makes you wonder who really set the bombs off in Boston.
I never used to be a conspiracy theorist … but after X years under this current Government – i’m prepared to start believing ulterior motives and chicanery are stock in trade …
I don’t mind saying (and I hope she doesn’t) that I’m with Andrea Vance on these ‘Weapons of mass destruction’ statements by NZ prime minister John Key:
Where’s the evidence for GCSB law changes?
via Bryce Edwards NZ Politics Daily