Just yesterday I said
“As I see it, [Trevor] Mallard cops flak from haters and nutters simply for being part of Labour’s online presence…”
Here’s a case in point, from last night — via Cameron Slater and Twitter.
How it looks to me: A pair of adolescent drunken yobos (Clint Heine and anonymous ‘inventory2‘) hassling a public figure in a bar, then skiting to their mates (Whaleoil and Cactus Kate) that they annoyed him and got him to swear at them. Big woopsy-doos.
I think Mallard’s description of their oafish social media goading and provocation as ‘brainless shit’ is accurate — I’d add ‘malicious‘ and ‘misleading‘.
Then, this morning the fixated Cameron Slater sticks another pin in his Trevor Mallard voodoo doll, and selectively quotes only Mallard’s tweets — but that’s par for him, let me suggest. ‘I’m not a journalist’ he says, excusing his slanted ‘reporting’ [cough] remember? …
Peter, FFS, I’m not a journalist, I’m a partisan blogger, when will you fucking understand that?
… and calls Mallard ‘nasty Trevor’.
Read the interchange below in context and ask yourself who the ‘nasty’ party really was. (Hint: the dribbling, abusive trolls, in my opinion.)
What a waste of electrons.

TrevorMallard Trevor Mallard
@clintheine FFS u r thick. Willie and JT show not Winston’s show. He is not the host unlike @johnkeypm who gave @RadioLIVENZ $43m soft loan
13 hours ago

@TrevorMallard you’re only bitching b/c Goff didn’t get offered the same deal – how does that make it right? Hypocritical trougher.
12 hours ago

@TrevorMallard @clintheine @johnkeypm@RadioLIVENZ So Labour’s not going to complain about 90min of politicking?

@Inventory2 @trevormallard @johnkeypm@radiolivenz not surprised, Mallard was in Govt with Winston, both parties stole money for campaigning

@clintheine @trevormallard @johnkeypm@radiolivenz Yep; and the only way that Trev will be a Minister again is if Winston returns #add2and2
13 hours ago

Inventory2 Inventory2 @clintheine @trevormallard @johnkeypm@radiolivenz Yep; it must never be forgotten that a vote for Phil is a vote for Winston & vice versa

@Inventory2 @clintheine how about putting up a right wing troll with at least half a brain

@TrevorMallard @barnsleybill@inventory2 your half a brain not handling it? Go on then, do a Red Alert on us then. Intellectual cripple.
11 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
[…] Drunken yobos spit in MP’s face, then skite to their mates like idiot schoolboysA question of perspectivePosted in October 13, 2011Peter AranyiNo Comments »What you see […]
Heine is plainly a troll and an obnoxious one at that, awful person.
I’ve never met Clint Heine, but my cursory examination of a small sample of his social media ‘content’ this morning suggests he has some issues.
Hopefully he’s contributing more positively elsewhere.
UPDATE Friday: OK I’ve been in touch with someone I trust who also knows him. He’s a ‘good bloke’, according to them. Generally ‘not nasty’. Looks like my original TUI theory (tweeting under the influence) may have been correct. Yobo.
Hi Peter. Na, I don’t tweet under the influence, I was just winding up Trev – in fact before the election campaign or at least before election year, we used to wind each other up in similar fashion on Red Alert and on Twitter. I admit, I was a bit nasty this time, but he himself was also quite tetchy after the whole cycle race with Whale once he realised he was had all along.
Just a comment regarding “Colin Wright” – that isn’t his real name. Unfortunately 3 years ago I got myself a bit of a stalker, who is incidentally a member of the BNP (British National Party). It started when I asked him to stop bullying Polish females online (one or two were my friends from social circles in London) and ever since, he has chased me about online calling me names and in 2 occasions, writing to my ex employers telling them lies about me to get me fired. If you check the ISP for the two comments they would have come from Grimsby, in the North and the gentlemans name is a David Sanderson. When I last spoke to the police about him and showed them the latest pile of emails, comments and evidence I collected, they told me he’s harmless and shouldn’t act upon his angry words, despite their concerns that impersonating me online is actually a crime. And my sin for all this punishment? I used to work for local Govt to get people into work, and I made the mistake of saying that the Brits were a lazy race. Silly me. I took it back about 2.5 years ago but he has never forgiven me! I guess one day he may let go, but it has been 3 years. Thankfully I am heading offshore but if I keep on finding nuggets like this I may leave a parting gift and get him charged.
Cheers nonetheless!
@Clint: Have you so few critics that you feel confident you can finger one by name in this way? Or is ‘Colin Wright’ a previously known alias? (The IP addresses don’t confirm your theory, but that’s as far as I’ll go.)
As for your ‘wind up’ of Trevor Mallard — hey, I think we can all relate to the online persona ‘leading’ us to use intemperate language at times in our enthusiasm to ‘right wrongs’. See http://www.thepaepae.com/the-irresistible-urge-to-right-wrongs/1129/
Sledging can start out OK but slide into something that, to those outside the dispute, can look pretty foul.
Cheers, Peter
Yep, I know this guy. He says the exact same things about me on several forums. Some under his real name, the others under aliases. Yeah, may be out on the IP addresses, I have also picked him from from Lancashire, Wales and various libraries ion Grimsby – the police reckon there are another half dozen, none near my home in London though.
Understood! It does look bad outside to others. These things do tend to slide well out of control.
I have it on good authority that he is a very angry person, is rude, sexist and agressive, has never done a proper days work in his life, drinks heavily and for whatever reason intensely dislikes the British. Having just read some of the rubbish he writes he certainly does have issues. Shouldn’t he get a proper job and learn some manners? Odious individual.
Oh, Colin! Perhaps I should have left it at ‘issues’… 😉 Crikey!
How can you take seriously someone who is opposed to a minimum wage, yet thinks every welfare claimant is lazy when there are far more applicants for jobs than vacancies? Next he’ll be suggesting workhouses and debtors prisons, wouldn’t it be ironic if one day he was forced to work for nothing like he suggests the less fortunate should be? I’ve read some of his stuff and it’s not very inspiring, he even posted a photo of Helen Clark complete with ‘man’s bits’ which gives you some idea of his maturity, he has no respect for others so I offer him the same courtesy.
Peter, RE the Clint Heine enigma, I think you may have unravelled the mystery, I think he is nothing but a ‘Wind up merchant’, it all seems crystal clear now, first of all he admits he made some misguided comments which even he refers to as a ‘mistake’, yet for reasons unknown he kept making this mistake, on reflection, he was probably doing this for effect, the comments that some poster called James made about Maia (I won’t go into it on here) and the photoshopped image of Helen Clark ( quite juvenile really) were obviously just attention seeking, he sets himself up as a knight in shining armour but was less than gentlemanly on these occassions.
He expects people to believe that someone is travelling around the country just to get at him, obviously he wants to feel important and loves all the attention.
It just clicked into place when you posted the cartoon type post ‘Oh, someone disagrees with me’, a lot of people appear to have been sucked in by a rather everyday troll but I think you’ve stumbled onto something here, just think about how often his name crops up on various forums and how he deliberately posts provocative comments that ruin previously reasonable debates, it’s all about effect and projection. I don’t even think he believes the majority of what he writes, it took a while for me to realise and I was taken in by his trolling but come on, do you really think he is being serious?
The solution? Either humour or ignore him, don’t engage in any form of debate or discussion, that’s not what he’s about, everything seems glaringly obvious now, he deliberately posts comments/images purely to gain a reaction, it did cross my mind that alcohol abuse could be to blame and that he was somewhat the worse for wear when he was at his most insensitive but it’s trolling, pure and simple, nothing more, a lot of people may have been taken in by it but when you look at the stuff he comes out with and really think about it, you suddenly realise it’s a complete wind up.
Just don’t take the guy seriously and write him off as a prankster.
Peter, during the 1984 miners strike when the Notts lads were called ‘scabs’, my old man said to me ‘Never turn your back on the working class, these lads are going back to work because they have to’, I have never forgotten his words, Thatcher destroyed entire communities, it was more or less a case of genocide upon hard graft, I remember the 1980 steel dispute and the 1970’s power cuts, this idiot wannabe likes to attack unions, you know what, if he thinks flipping burgers and customer services are going to replace coal mining, ship building, steel production, deep sea fishing, north sea oil extraction, car building and engineering as ‘proper’ jobs, he is not only a troll, he has no idea about the true meaning of working class.
A buffon of Clarkson proprtions.
Merry Xmas David. While I may be a wind up merchant, you have done more than enough to remind me of my sins. Despite the last 3 years of trying to “get” me, I do wish you all the best for the festive season.
You have to hand it to the guy Peter, dear Old Clint is certainly good comedic value if nothing else, do you or does anyone for that matter know him in real life? I doubt if he even exists, it must be a joke, somebody has made this person up surely, it’s a combination of a Kiwi Jeremy Clarkson with a little bit of Ian Duncan Smith and Norman Wisdom thrown in for good measure, please tell me, he isn’t a real person and some joker with access to a boxset of ‘The New statesmen’ featuring Rik Mayall, a copy of the Sun and a case of lager is just having a laugh at our expense, whoever it is, certainly has a sense of humour.
David, I’m surprised you’re still writing about me. But more power to you. Hope your winter is treating you well – it’s quite sunny where I am right now.
Awfully chuffed you’d compare me with Clarkson, IDS and the legend Norman Wisdom. The New Statesman is a great TV show too. You should have taken up my offer to meet me for a beer before I headed offshore!
[…] by Kashmir Hill at Forbes which I read last month, dovetails in with my earlier comments (see: Drunken yobos spit in MP’s face, then skite to their mates like idiot schoolboys) about bombastic partisan bloggers and anonymous trolls paying a price for their often trenchant and […]
[…] and criticism (‘public discourse’), just a lot of abuse. I’ve pointed to a handful of people I’m aware of who appear to do […]
[…] think of it as the yobos phenomenon (see: ‘Drunken yobos spit in MP’s face, then skite to their mates like idiot schoolboys‘). Like literal drunks, people lose control, vomit or urinate on each other on Twitter or […]
[…] to delight in provoking bite-back from public figures. (I’ve written about this before See: Drunken yobos spit in MP’s face, then skite to their mates like idiot schoolboys and Stalker Cameron Slater: new year, same […]