While we’re down this ‘your opinions make your journalism questionable‘ rabbit hole, if you’re interested, in the US a reporter/columnist for The Washington Post, David Weigel has just been fired/’resignation accepted’ after email trails revealed his rather robust private-ish views of some in the right wing movement (Tea Party etc) it was his beat to cover…
Weigal:“I’ve always been of the belief that you could have opinions and could report anyway …. people aren’t usually asked to stand or fall on everything they’ve said in private.”
I agree.
One conservative(?) er, ‘publication’ which got hold of his emails, launched a hit piece of their own against Weigel, like this (reporting/commentary by Jonathan Strong, DailyCaller.com):
Weigel seems to harbor special contempt for a type of conservative he calls a ratfucker, a favorite phrase of his.
In a thread with the subject line, “ACORN Ratf*cker arrested,” Journolisters discussed how James O’Keefe, whose undercover reporting showed officials from activist group ACORN willing to help a fake prostitution ring skirt the law, had been arrested in another, failed operation at Sen. Mary Landrieu’s (D-LA) office.Weigel’s response: “HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.”
“Deep breath.”
“He’s either going to get a radio talk show or start a prison ministry. That’s was successful conservative ratfuckers do for their second acts,” Weigel wrote, likely alluding to Nixon aide Charles Colson who converted to Christianity after a stint in prison for obstruction of justice and founded Prison Fellowship.
I don’t have a problem with any of that. Jeez, those comments are his (private? public? who cares?) reaction to that larcenous character setting up ‘sting’ type operations to create political embarrassment … for Democrats. That he got arrested trying another stunt? That *IS* funny.
And razzing Chuck Colson is fair game — although a friend of mine says he’s become a giant of man since ‘turning his life around’. Sounds fair enough. Second although: I’m not sure the Religious Right is all that good for American politics, however.
I actually like the form Weigel used …. may use it myself. This writing, for example, is 1) simple and 2) effectively makes its point:
“I think pointing out Coakley’s awfulness is vital, because it’s 1) true and 2) unreasonable panic about it is doing more damage to the Democrats,” Weigel wrote.
Read the intensely partisan, agenda-driven, anti-Weigel piece Jonathan Strong wrote: ‘E-mails reveal Post reporter savaging conservatives, rooting for Democrats’ at Daily Caller and decide for yourself. I read the extracts about what Weigal said about Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich etc and found myself nodding — and sometimes chortling — in agreement.
… Weigel describes conservatives as using the media to “violently, angrily divide America.” According to Weigel, their motives include “racism” and protecting “white privilege,” and for some of the top conservatives in D.C., a nihilistic thirst for power.
“There’s also the fact that neither the pundits, nor possibly the Republicans, will be punished for their crazy outbursts of racism. Newt Gingrich is an amoral blowhard who resigned in disgrace, and Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite who was drummed out of the movement by William F. Buckley. Both are now polluting my inbox and TV with their bellowing and minority-bashing. They’re never going to go away or be deprived of their soapboxes,” Weigel wrote.
Of Matt Drudge, Weigel remarked, “It’s really a disgrace that an amoral shut-in like Drudge maintains the influence he does on the news cycle while gay-baiting, lying, and flubbing facts to this degree.”
Jonathan Strong? An unsourced example-free ‘allegation’: “Almost from the beginning there have been complaints that his coverage betrays a personal animus toward conservatives.” Are you for real? That’s your perspective para?
It must have been a quiet news day at the DailyCaller.com, for this ‘news story’ to be the headline.
Just as well there’s real news on your ‘news’ website’s front page like this shining example of news you can use:
Man dies after sadistic sex with ‘Europe’s most perverted dominatrix’ – Daily Mail
Mistress Lucrezia and her assistant were arrested after a 58-year-old client collapsed after an ‘intense session’ with the duo
or this:
Gisele Bundchen looks stunning in first post-baby photos [SLIDESHOW] – Daily Mail
Supermodel Gisele Bundchen has never looked sexier than in the new advertising campaign for Calzedonia swimwear shot just two months after she gave birth …
OK, maybe that’s a bit unfair. While some might call that titilating or pandering, I’m sure yours is a very nice ‘news’ website, Jonathan Strong, that upholds ‘conservative values’. (Like Bash-the-Democrats-every-chance-you-get).
Huffington Post reported:
Gee, in my universe, that’s pretty close to playful banter, especially when ‘said’ to friends i.e not published as his professional ‘commentary’ or reporting. (We are all accountable for our words, of course, as I have said before.) Does anyone really think Matt Drudge had hurt feelings and needed an apology? Matt Drudge? Eh? (Bullshit.)
Still, Weigal offered him one with and explanation … Worth reading:
The demise of Journolist — a semi-private list serv which got abused by a partisan. Co-incidentally after Tucker Carlson was refused membership. [Tucker Carlson whose credibility was famously, comprehensively (and in my view fatally) demeaned — on his own ‘Crossfire’ show by Jon Stewart who begged that the parody and ‘partisan hackery’stop as it was ‘hurting America’. It turns out he’s the editor of the Daily Caller ‘news site’ featured in the post. Oh. That fits.]
Journolist founder Ezra Klein explained why he has pulled the plug …
A real pity.
Wow, the comments thread following Ezra Klein’s announcement that the list serv would be shut down are FASCINATING. Soooo partisan. Some really inventive invective, too.
And this from Alex Pareene at Salon.com gives more background, and is interesting …
Nice writing over nice thinking from Julian Sanchez at The Atlantic …
Oh, this postscript was added since I first read Sanchez’s article…
Ha! It turns out Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller spin doctor-‘news’ site had a mole on the Journolist — the private discussion listserv used by some journalists to talk shop — which is probably how it managed to breach the privacy of that list for its attention grabbing allegations of hypocrisy and conspiracy … compiling a dossier to damage someone else’s reputation…
Why am I not surprised?
[…] clichéd, reactive media and, to a certain extent, intellectual humiliation of its players (Think Tucker Carlson in particular) occurred on […]
[…] when he resigned from The Washington Post after being exposed as having opinions (gasp!), see: Do your opinions invalidate your reporting?. Weigel now writes at Slate with today’s piece Sarah Palin’s Big Day […]
[…] be (and be seen to be) FAIR (see my posts The new breed of journalist-commentator and Do your opinions invalidate your reporting? from last year, prompted by issues around Michael Hastings and David Weigel and New media – […]
[…] Post — the Daily Caller which histrionically ‘goes after’ left wing media figures exposing them as having opinions (gasp) as if that was akin to exposing a child pornography ring involving […]
[…] See my earlier post: Do your opinions invalidate your reporting? […]
[…] be (and be seen to be) FAIR — see my posts The new breed of journalist-commentator and Do your opinions invalidate your reporting? from last year, prompted by issues around Michael Hastings and David Weigel and New media – […]