Like most people (I think), I find it interesting, at times fascinating, to speculate about WHY people do and say what they do … WHY they might express views that they hold in the way they do … and WHY they enter into discussions or debates (and sometimes flame wars) on the internet.
But I’ve learned it’s pretty futile.
Futile? Yep. Because reliably identifying people’s motivations for anything is an all-but-impossible task at the best of times — even if it seems obvious, and, perhaps surprisingly, even if they tell you what they think is driving their actions.
I described in another context (see ‘When propaganda turns into ‘demonizing’ …‘
Targeting individuals is always tricky. Motivations are near-impossible to divine. ‘Sympathies’ even more so. There’s usually a whole lot of hallucination going on.
or here when discussing what psychology calls the fundamental attribution error in a context of ‘I know why you’re being so mean’:
Essentially, the fundamental attribution error involves placing a heavy emphasis on internal personality characteristics to explain someone’s behaviour in a given situation, rather than thinking about external situational factors.
Amateur psychologists are everywhere — quick to offer a ‘diagnosis’ like ‘That b*tch is crazy’ or the more academic ‘Judging by his pattern of behaviour, he appears to be a sociopath … with narcissistic personality disorder. And a compulsive liar’.
I got to thinking about this again because I’ve recently expressed disrespect for an anonymous blogger’s published comments. (For a change. Ha!) This anonymous blogger is someone with whom I sense I might agree about all number of other matters, and whose company I might enjoy.
My lack of respect for his actions (leading me to label him ‘nasty’) is on the basis of his willingness to repeatedly denigrate someone: insulting them and describing them as ‘crazy’ on the basis of their written remarks. His anonymous condemnation of this person (who blogs in their own name) and his on-going aggressive treatment of them is, in my view, largely an expression of tribalism.
See what I’m doing there? Projecting. It’s natural to reinforce previously held beliefs by filtering or constructing arguments that ‘fit the thesis’. (Yes, it’s shallow, I know, but we all fall into that trap.)
‘Us’ and ‘them’
We homo sapiens can be (at least partially) defined by our co-operative traits: our tendency to form bands, teams, communities and societies. The ‘shadow’ of that, sadly, is our terrible practice of ‘us and them’-ness.
As social and co-operative as we might be with our ‘in-group’ for the most part, we can be equally hard to get on with, rejecting others, expressing an active, at times aggressive xenophobia, sometimes even murderous hatred for those in the ‘out-group’ … whatever form it might take.
Consider the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of the very recent past. What the hell were ‘Serbian Christians’ doing to ‘Serbian Muslims’? Or were they ‘Albanians’? And why? (My view: It probably had something to do with ‘us and them’-ness.)
Competition for ‘scarce resources’, as we discussed in Q: Where does conflict come from?, is not an adequate explanation. Likewise religious rivalry is often overstated (see: ‘The overblown role of religion in conflict‘).
We just tend to despise and feel alienated from people who are not in our ‘tribe’.
Something that can help us — in some situations — is openness with each other: Telling the truth and being open about where we’re coming from; sharing our stories, good and bad. To put it another way: being less reactive and more authentic with each other.
Rather than leaving people to attempt to deduce our motivations, filling in the gaps with questionable assertions, why not try to express them? Yeah, I know I just said that’s not all that reliable, but it’s good to attempt it. At least we can start a conversation. What do you think?
Taking that idea as a starting point, look at this from NYU journalism professor (and thinker) Jay Rosen. I respect and quote Rosen here now and then because our interests and world views coincide fairly frequently. Lucky for me.
Here’s the introduction to his keynote speech ‘Covering Wicked Problems‘ at the 2nd UK Conference of Science Journalists, 25 June 2012 at The Royal Society, London.
I think every writer, every journalist, every scholar, should tell you where he’s coming from before he tells you what he knows. I am not a science journalist, or a science blogger, or a scientist who writes. But I am interested in your world, and I try to follow developments in it. My field of study is what I call “pressthink,” which is sort of like groupthink– but for people in journalism. Lately I have been fixated on the problems of the press as it tries to adapt to the digital world. So that’s what I do. But it’s not where I’m coming from.
He then goes on to show how it could be done:
Culturally, I’m a secular Jew. (From New York.) Demographically, a baby boomer. Socially, I’m an introvert who has learned to fake conviviality. Politically, a liberal democrat. Musically: lost. Intellectually, I am a pragmatist. …
Not bad. That does help form a picture, doesn’t it? Read the speech notes on Jay’s Pressthink blog.
The idea of being open about ‘where I’m coming from’ dovetails nicely with a quote I’ve recycled previously from Rachel Maddow:
“I think a lot of people of my generation are discomfited by the assertion of neutrality in the mainstream media, this idea that they’re the voice of God. I think it’s just honest to say, yes, you know where I’m coming from but you can fact-check anything I say.” — Rachel Maddow The Guardian April 2011
Since these ideas relate to people writing and broadcasting in the media, there’s another layer: the expectation by our audience or readership of an intent to maintain the truthfulness or the veracity of statements or ‘reporting’. I bang on about that, I know.
As Maddow effectively says, just because I have a point of view doesn’t entitle me to deceive my audience. Go ahead: Fact check me.
See, that’s my problem with outfits like Fox News and the like, so beautifully described by Rolling Stone as a political ‘fear factory’ and propaganda operation masquerading as a news organisation, or …
“… a giant soundstage created to mimic the look and feel of a news operation, cleverly camouflaging political propaganda as independent journalism.”
Yeah, the whole ‘Fair and Balanced’ schtick is so bleurgh!
Especially when indulging in ‘criticism’ I think one owes a duty of accuracy, of truthfulness (that word again).
A regular commenter here at The Paepae, Craig, accuses me (or as Miss Piggy would say: ‘Moi!’) of a similar kind of ‘pretend’ political neutrality, declaring he can discern from burnt goat entrails my choice of topics here that I am [allegedly] in the Labour Party’s camp. (Er, nope, as I explained, but he’s entitled to his view.)
Another commenter, poormastery, describes me as a “sickly liberal”, (which, I think I put my hand up for a while ago, didn’t I?) … but we both agree that it’s possible to be economically conservative and socially liberal — in the spirit of the vivacious Tory MP Louise Mensch whose Twitter bio is “Conservative means deliver liberal ends”. In that respect, I’m actually politically agnostic, with ‘heroes’ on all sides of the political divide — I’m not kidding — and allowing (or insisting) that democratically-elected governments be empowered to implement their announced policies for good as they see them. And then to face the electoral consequences, and political cycles.
Negative labelling … or defining ourselves by what we oppose
It’s a paradox, but I observe that people (read: we all) can find it easier to define ourselves in an “anti-matter” way: Declaring what we oppose is sometimes easier than saying what we stand for. (I don’t know why that should be so, but it seems to me it is. Any thoughts?)
The 1981 anti-Springbok Tour protests saw people from all walks of life (cliché, but true) wonderfully, courageously unite in opposition to something: Halt All Racist Tours. Maybe I’m wrong, but I cannot imagine a cause which the same cross-section of society (another cliché) would unite to support. Can you? The recent Occupy ‘movement’ had none of the widespread appeal.
But back to the (nominal) topic: being open about where you are ‘coming from’ as part of any public communication …
Robbie Burns talks about ‘the gift‘ of seeing ourselves as others see us … which is why I welcome feedback. And recommend it. How does that work if you’re anonymous?
While it’s not my intention to move through life highlighting other people’s foibles and weaknesses, when I do criticise, it’s natural for people to ask: ‘And who the hell are YOU to judge?’ That happened recently in connection with discussion about harshly negative statements published on a blog leading to court action. Fair enough.
Me? Nobody special. No big deal. I don’t even claim that I’m particularly well-informed. I’m just someone who pays some attention to such things, with a background outlined here and with a commitment to publishing my comments and opinions in my own name. As I have noted before, I don’t ‘do’ anonymous, I blog here openly, and comment elsewhere in my own name, therefore it’s relatively easy to see what I ‘fink about fings’.
The ‘hostile media’ effect — ironic
But even knowing what you know about me (for example), there’s an observable phenomenon where the context within which information is presented can colour our view of its veracity. Discussing this with a couple of local bloggers recently, I referred to what I call the ‘Give a dog a bad name’ effect … but which students of media in the US call the ‘hostile media’ effect. (It’s ironic that I earlier expressed my loathing for misgivings about Fox News, huh? That’s a pretty good example of it.)
We touched on it here in our discussions On narrow social focus and moral taste buds and Danger of dogma wherein it becomes obvious that our world view filters what we see.
And there’s a really good article at the Nieman Journalism Lab: How do you tell when the news is biased? It depends on how you see yourself by Jonathan Stray …
If you’re interested in such things, go and read it. The article’s presentation of questionnaire statistics [right] mades me nostalgic for my time as a psych. major at Victoria. The main point is that we regard certain news outlets as ‘biased’ (boo hiss) and THAT colours our view of the information they present. Such expectations are a goldmine for psychology students …
Like a lot of experimental psychological research, the hostile media effect suggests we’re not as smart as we think we are. We might like to think of ourselves as impartial judges of credibility and fairness, but the evidence says otherwise. Liberals and conservatives can (and often do) believe the same news report is biased against both their views; they aren’t both right.
Stray is singing from my songbook when he says, ‘You see bias when you see yourself as part of a group’. Oh yes.
And his prescription? Worth reproducing at a bit of length:
What’s a journalist to do?
The first defense against accusations of bias is to report fairly. But the hostile media effect pretty much guarantees that some stories are going to be hated by just about everyone , no matter how they’re written. I suppose this is no surprise for any journalist who reads the comments section, but it has implications for how news organizations might respond to such accusations.
This research also suggests that the longstanding practice of journalists hiding their personal affiliations might actually be effective at reducing perceived bias. But only up to a point: To avoid charges of bias, the audience needs to be able to see the journalist as fundamentally one of them. This might require getting closer to the audience, not hiding from them. If we each live inside of many identities, then there are many possible ways to connect; conversely, it would be helpful to know, empirically, under what conditions a journalist’s politics are actually going to be a problem for readers, and for which readers.
We might also want to consider our framing more carefully. Because perceptions of bias depend on how we are thinking about our identity in that moment, if we can find a way to tell our stories outside of partisan frames, we might also reduce feelings of unfairness.
What do you think of “reducing feelings of unfairness” as a goal? Is it a worthy one? Hmm.
I cop it now and then on that score. Recent discussion here with people whom I regard as reasonable and intelligent saw it suggested that a post I wrote attempted to ‘whitewash’ and minimize the actions of one side of a dispute and exaggerate criticism of the other side. Does that sound close to a description of someone experiencing ‘hostile media effect’? Maybe. Maybe justifiably. I do allow that possibility. (Certitude is for bigots.)
Anyone can be a ‘publisher’
According to some, the bubble has burst on blogging. In Internet terms, blogging is an “old” platform for self-expression and publishing. Various theories abound regarding who/what was the ‘killer’ … Facebook, Twitter, whatever.
Are they right? Dunno. I don’t think so completely, because I think many people want their own space for longer-form discussion in cyberspace … without the constraints and interference of Facebook, and with more permanence than Twitter (which resembles, as someone tweeted last month: ‘Leaves blowing in the wind’. Very transient.)
In the case of this blog, The Paepae, I’m happiest when it works to generate and bring to light thoughtful discussion, even if it’s critical of ideas or thoughts I’ve advanced. That’s just not a happening thing on Facebook and Twitter, at present, which seem to bring out kindergarten spats and vendettas, complete with fake profiles and anonymous trolls.
The internet and blogging have lowered the barriers to entry SO MUCH. As Clay Shirky opined recently: Publishing used to be an industry, now it’s a button.
Publishing is not evolving. Publishing is going away. Because the word “publishing” means a cadre of professionals who are taking on the incredible difficulty and complexity and expense of making something public. That’s not a job anymore. That’s a button. There’s a button that says “publish,” and when you press it, it’s done.
So, as a result, the ‘stuff’ published online varies in quality … from golden to dreck … some of it, judged by objective standards, is near to illiterate raving. But like any artistic ‘output’, perceptions of quality are in the eye of the beholder.
What to someone might look like a campaign in defence of the public (in effect, a ‘consumer watchdog’ role) might to someone else look like a nasty, fixated vendetta intent on destroying someone’s reputation. Who decides?
Well, ultimately the readership, I guess. But passers-by are helped, a lot I think, if we declare where we’re coming from, rather than leaving them to suppose, guess, project or interpret.
Or hallucinate.
– P
I fail to understand how anyone with half a sane brain cell would care where the anonymous blogger that you are referring to is “coming from”…
I just can’t bring myself to care about the fact that he is devoting his whole life to me.
I probably should be concerned for my safety – he clearly is not all there – but i am too busy laughing.
The fact that he won’t put his name to his blog and his obsession with me is the only sanity he has displayed thus far. No one in their right mind would put their name to that.
{chuckle} Nice use of irony. (I presume?)
As your reply ably demonstrates, it’s nonsensical to hallucinate about someone’s mental stability etc. from their written comments.
Cheers, P
My sense of humour is my saviour sometimes. I don’t know where i would be without it!
ScrubOne writes a handful of posts all making pretty fair criticism of someone who created almost 60! pages on her blog containing heinously hurtful, false, defamatory, obsessive, harassing, career attacking, family attacking statements – including a child, a husband, and someone she knew to be suffering from suicidal tendencies – and the only thing you can fault him on is his LMC handle, and you dedicate a lengthy post questioning HIS motives?
How can he call her crazy?
How could SHE do all she did?
Why do you sweep it under the rug, minimise and ignore Peter?
Where is your post inquiring into why someone would do what SHE did?
And wow. She is concerned for her safety of his incredibly mild in comparison to hers, both in number and in content, posts. How should Debbie and Madeline feel by parity of reasoning?
Seriously Peter you have a major blindspot. Start with questioning your own motives as to why you are doing what you are doing in respect of minimising and excusing her, allowing her a platform to repeat more lies about her victims and offering more self-delusion.
As for my motives? I can’t stand bullies. I can’t stand affronts to truth. I have no time for enablers.
Thanks for the feedback Cally.
Do you have a blog of your own we can read to learn more about your background and your perspective on things?
– P
No I don’t blog.
I have a profile
What does this have to do with my points? Where is your post questioning and analysing Jacqui Sperling?
Hi Cally,
Thanks for the link to your Google public profile. What an interesting background you have.
You may be perplexed to learn that your profile photo has somehow appeared on the istockphoto website as an image for sale (with Steve Debenport Imagery claiming ownership)
and various other sites such as (I swear I’m not making this up): (illustrating articles about schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) (illustrating hypnotherapy)
and what looks like a Romanian sex site:
illustrating … well, I really don’t know what.
As for your ‘assignment’ to me to write a “post questioning and analysing Jacqui [sic] Sperling” … thanks for your suggestion/request but sorry, that’s not how it works.
Let me think about it.
regards, – P
I’m quite sure that Lucia Maria’s photo is not one of her either.
Your point? Other than psycho analysing me and Scrubone – a pattern no?
[snip] can act like a [snip] but I’m suspect because of my profile pic.
Oh come on! Your use of that photo is a long way from Lucia Maria’s use of an obvious (and widely-used) image as an avatar.
Your profile pic turning up on those sites struck me as odd … and a little funny. I didn’t psychoanalyze you (did I?)
How much of ‘your’ Google profile is actually true? Your name? Anything?
– P
What a laugh.
Kind of reminds me of the fake profile that added myself and two other people that i know who were connected to someone involved in the legal proceedings against me. That person used the photos of American actress Krista Allen in their Facebook profile. She was also self employed, with no children – although she did profess to have a husband who had run off to Australia with some woman that he had an affair with.
I blogged about this stalker who had cropped Kelly Osborne out of her photos at the time – then that blog post eventually got included in an affidavit! Apparently someone thought it was about them!
I was really disappointed when i found out she was not real. She spent a lot of time telling me how beautiful i am in photos that had been put on my FB page years earlier.
It is always nice to be told how beautiful i am.
They never did anything to me though…They are innocent bystanders.
I like the idea of declaring where you are coming from and I wish more people would do it.
I comment from time to time on the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, using my Google id to log in, which pulls up a little blurb about me, that then lets everyone who hasn’t seen me before know what perspective I’m commenting from. Though, it’s a pity that most people either haven’t filled it in, or use some other social media site that doesn’t have a short blurb.
But then, I’m a blogger. If anyone really wants to know more about where I’m coming from, they can click on my name and look at my blog.
Anyway, I don’t really have much more to add to this conversation. I just wanted to let you know I was reading.
Thanks for your contribution. Welcome.
Yes, I find comments that are little more than drive-by shootings tiresome too, and enjoy the to-and-fro we’re lucky enough to experience in some comment streams here at The Paepae. All the better if people are open about who they are.
I really like this comment from your bio:
“Lucia is not placid and so will not pretend to be.”
– P
It helps if you get a steady group of commenters whom you get to know over time as well. It looks like you’ve attracted some new people with your recent subject matter over a certain court case (including me, found you through a Google search).
I’m not really interested in the details of it, but some of the posts you’ve written around some of the issues have been very interesting to me.
Oh yeah, my bio is still very thin, need to add a whole lot more. I was in a bit of a mood when I wrote that!
Your bio is fine. At least you’re not making false claims.
Yes, I agree, it’s a pleasure when people engage with comments on a blog (and with each other) on an ongoing basis.
It doesn’t quite make a ‘real’ relationship, and there’s still so much potential for mis-reading tone and nuance in this medium (same with email).
The whole anonymous comment aspect of the web troubles me, as I have discussed here a lot before. See:
I think if someone wants to maintain an anonymous internet persona, well, that’s their right (like you, like any number of others) and there are sometimes valid reasons for it.
But with that, surely should come some sense of constraint on the nature of the comment they publish?
For instance, some anonymous posters here (scrubone, cally, zech8v16) have commented in ‘avenging angel’ mode — anonymously — about the defendant in the recently DISMISSED court case.
They’ve appeared to feel no compunction (well, scrubone, a little) about anonymously calling someone dishonest (by name) and publicly, anonymously expressing their very negative opinions about that person’s mental state.
That’s simply dodgy, in my view. But sadly common.
I count myself as very lucky to have good friends, a family and a social life in the real world, but I’m always open to meeting fellow cybernauts. (And I can be discreet.)
– P
Hi Peter,
There are a lot of people who are troubled by the anonymity of the internet. Forcing commenters to create a logon (as I have for NZConservative) at least requires people to have some sort of identifier.
When it comes down to it, though, a real looking name is still just as much a pseudonym; except a real pseudonym can protect from weird phone calls, bricks through windows, and potential employers looking you up to see what your political views are or what weird stuff you are into.
I blog about politics and religion, a potentially explosive combination, so, not really wanting people being able to track me down easily. I’ve already had a few death threats. Shutting down the capability to comment completely anonymously on my blog stopped those, though, someone did threaten to torture me last week on another blog .. as a joke, supposedly.
As for any particular blog wars that have occurred recently and the behaviour exhibited, I’d rather not comment. I know some of the bloggers involved, but I don’t know enough about what went down. I know people can get very emotional about this sort of thing if it spills over into the real world, especially.
Ultimately, the internet is always going to be anonymous to some degree anyway, because of the level of separation a computer provides. Getting pulled up by others on anti-social behaviour, whether the culprit is anonymous or not is a good thing, in my opinion.
Yeah, politics and religion can be fairly fraught arenas. Death threats for expressing an opinion seems like Twilight Zone stuff, doesn’t it? But there are some sadly disturbed people around. (Torture? Really? Jeez.) I’ve had the phone calls, but VERY few.
I take your point about a ‘real looking name’ being indistinguishable from a pseudonym. As I tried to say, while I can accept pseudonymous comments, I don’t like fakeness.
Cally (above) pointing us to a Google profile with a FAKE profile pic (and who knows what else?) strikes me as poor form — dishonest even — especially given the level of vitriol she has spat at another commenter here alleging dishonesty and worse. (I’m not worried about her criticisms of me.)
But I deliberately don’t go down the IP address rabbit hole generally (that way lies uncertainty and inconclusiveness, even in ‘obvious’ cases. see:
I guess my quest is to encourage some level of accountability … but a ‘mask’ is designed to obscure that.
On this, from you:
I completely agree with you.
cheers, – P
[…] to Cally Encouragementonline […]
[…] Jay Rosen …Posted in 21 July 2012Peter AranyiNo Comments »I mentioned recently in ‘Declaring where you’re coming from‘ how thought-provoking I find some of what NYU journalim prof Jay Rosen has to say about the […]
[…] It’s important and useful, I think, to do that in a positive way, rather than just what I called ‘anti-matter’ self-definitions. […]
[…] allowing the hostile media effect we discussed earlier (towards end of Declaring where you’re coming from) there’s a strong what-you-see-depends-on-where-you-stand aspect to the debate about this […]
[…] was exposed as a sock-puppet, coincidentally, in the discussion thread of my post Declaring where you’re coming from, when ‘she’ flicked me a link to ‘her’ Google profile, and it turned out […]