I did say in A dignified response to Labour’s complaint that I thought RadioLIVE would ‘no doubt’ have sought advice before going ahead with The Prime Minister’s Hour … it seems that was good advice — at least as far as the Broadcasting Standards Authority is concerned.

image: 3news.co.nz


Complaints over RadioLIVE’s Prime Minister’s Hour not upheld

By Dan Satherley FRI, 14 OCT 2011 10:20A.M.

The Broadcasting Standards Authority has cleared RadioLIVE of any wrongdoing in having Prime Minister John Key host his own show.
A complaint laid by the Labour Party over the hour-long broadcast, The Prime Minister’s Hour, was not upheld because it did not fit the definition of an ‘election programme’, nor did it breach any standards. …

Read the full report at 3news.co.nz

Best line:

The discussion on Coronation St was ruled “light flim-flam and frivolity that are to be expected on this type of entertainment show”. The BSA called [John Key’s] comments “harmless”.

Attaboy, Mr Key. “Light flim flam and frivolity. Harmless”. Maybe a good slogan for a campaign hoarding? You could do a lot worse.

The Electoral Commission has yet to release a finding. UPDATE: They did in February 2012 (delay much?): Radio station referred to police over pre-election ‘Prime Minister’s hour’

Heads up: For those interested in knowing such things, I have just accepted an offer to work with Mediaworks (parent of RadioLIVE and TV3 etc) at the RadioLIVE studios/news centre in Ponsonby, Auckland. With the end of the Rugby World Cup looming and the lead-up to the NZ General Election, it seems a stimulating time for me to climb back into the news media. Please be aware my existing disclaimers that the contents of this blog are my personal opinion and represent no-one else still apply.

– P