One of the Cybermen from Dr Who
As someone who has occasionally (ahem) run foul of ‘Moderation policies’ at a discussion forum (don’t get me started) I was bemused when I noticed this interaction (below) on interest.co.nz
I don’t know or care what the anonymous/pseudonymous poster wrote. It must have been blinkin’ bad to raise the ire of the normally fairly laissez-faire Bernard Hickey, barkeep and piano player at the frontier town saloon that is interest.co.nz.
See Bernard’s serious-sounding last warning: ‘You will be deleted.’
I recall there was a legendary Dr Who villain who used that phrase …
Anonymous commenting can lead to all sorts of toxic flannel, vitriol and smears. Good on them at interest.co.nz for trying to keep it seemly and mucking out the stables.
‘Deletion’, seems pretty tough though.
See how it’s done, below the fold
Ha. Thanks Peter.
Deletion is the word we use.
I ask our tech guru to “take him out the back and shoot him” in a virtual way…
Cheers Bernard.
Bottom line: it’s your sand pit (‘cess pit’?) and you write/enforce the rules.
FWIW, I think there’s too much anonymous venom, ignorance and misinformation spread about the interwebs … with precious little in the way of evidence, nuggets of insight or analysis to make it worthwhile wading through.
Good on you for drawing a line. (Nice of you to give him/her a ‘last warning’, in fact. See how that works out.) – P